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Measuring and Evaluation Instruments: Labour insertion Survey Carlos Mateo Quality Assessment Unit UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring and Evaluation Instruments: Labour insertion Survey Carlos Mateo Quality Assessment Unit UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring and Evaluation Instruments: Labour insertion Survey Carlos Mateo Quality Assessment Unit UNIVERSITY OF ALICANTE

2 Labour Insertion Survey  Analysis of the situation of the UA last 5 year’s graduates (Every 2 years);  Three types of objectives:  Analysis of the Carrier paths  Analysis of the formative paths  Analysis of the training demands

3 Objective 1: Carrier path  Current employment status: Type of contract and salary.  Length of stay in the current position  Professional sector and job category  Degree of Satisfaction with current job  Adequacy of the position to the educational and academic qualifications.  Participation in work activities abroad and in Spain: Employment and internship in companies.

4 Objetive 2: Formative path  Type of Postgraduate training: Doctorate, Masters, Course specialist or expert  Type of the complementary training  Assessment of the degree : A) subjects and content, B) materials and equipment and C) teaching.  Strengths and weaknesses of the study programmes.  Participation in training abroad: European Programmes Study (Socrates-Erasmus), Languages abroad

5 Objetive 3: Training demand Characteristics of the training demand. Necessity and availability of the specialization and complementary formation Subjects for the complementary training

6 Labour insertion survey: methodological design Quantitative methodology Measurement instrument: Close and standardised questionnaire for the labour insertion and training demand from students Questionnaire administration model:  Phone (CATI System: Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)

7 Advantages phone questionnaires  Economical advantage  Decrease of the aplication time  Reduction of the interviewer bias  Data codification facility: reduction on codification mistakes.

8 Phone questionnaire: disadvantages  High rate of no answer: the topic is not of interest and many people does not answer  Questionnaires must be short: reduction of the calling time

9 UA Labour Insertion Survey  Satisfactory results  High number of contacts  High percentage of answers

10 Sample design  Population: degrees of the UA from 2006 to 2011 (N=17000)  Sample: 5000 surveys  Type of random sampling: Simple allocation and probabilistic stratification by qualification.

11 Data statistical treatment Statistical programme: SPSS Descriptive analysis: frequencies, average, percentages,etc. Bivariable analysis: Contingency tables, correlations, etc.

12 Some results of Labor Insertion Survey 2012 Frequency Table Categories LABOR POSITION variable

13 Labor position by degrees DEGREES variable LABOUR SITUATION Variable Contingency table : Bi-variable

14 Working position by gender Dependent Variable: WORKING POSITION Independent Variable GENDER Contingency Table

15 Structure of the employed population by economical sector: UA - Comunidad Valenciana Economics sectors variable Region of Valencia UA graduates Estructura de la población ocupada por sector económico en la Comunidad Valenciana y entre los egresados de la UA 61,284,0 14,310,5 21,34,9 3,3,5 100,0 Servicios (incluido comercio) Construcción Industria Agricultura Total Comunidad Valenciana a Egresados UA (2007-2011) INE, Encuesta de Población Activa, 1º trimestre de 2011. a.

16 Present work satisfaction

17 Basic indicators per studies (degrees)  Employment percentage  Percentage of graduates working in related fields  Percentage of graduates that have received traning after their degree  Percentage of graduates with postgraduate training  General satisfaction with the degree obtained  Percentage of the training demands


19  METHODOLOGY: Qualitative survey  In-depth interview  Focus group (discussion group) 16 in-depth interviews to heads of human ressources departments (companies in Alicante area). 2 discussion groups (7-8 companies in each group).

20 OPINION OF THE LABOUR MARKET  OBJECTIVES: Required competences for graduates. Need for pre-professional work experience. Recruitment procedures for qualified workers (university services, web, headhunters, etc.) Training programs in companies. Types of contracts (long term, short term, internship, etc.)

21 OPINION OF THE LABOUR MARKET  OBJECTIVES: Opinion on the labour market situation Opinion on the quality of study programmes. Strengths and weaknesses. Interest for companies in participating in training programs at the University of Alicante.

22 OPINION OF THE LABOUR MARKET  MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Importance of the pre-professional work experience Postgraduate courses are not so important, actually companies give priority to work experience rather than postgraduate training. Main way of recruitment of qualified workers is through internships.

23 OPINION OF THE LABOUR MARKET  MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Positive evaluation of the study programs, but need for more connection with the labour market through practical work or work internships (from KNOWING to DOING). Need for better languages skills.

24 OPINION OF THE LABOUR MARKET  MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Best competences of graduates: motivation, team-working, ability to adapt to different situations, multi- skilled workers. Need for relocation (geographical mobility) (participation in Erasmus programs is very appreciated).


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