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Presentation on theme: "TIẾNG ANH 8 NHÀ XUẤT BẢN GIÁO DỤC VIỆT NAM – PEARSON"— Presentation transcript:


2 Contents Overview of Tiếng Anh 8- Volume 1
Getting started with your course: questions to be answered Integrated-skill approach: What? Why? How? A closer look at the How - Task-based learning - Project-based learning Writing objectives for lessons Teaching practice

3 Structure of the book THEME 1: OUR COMMUNITIES
Unit 1: Leisure activities Unit 2: Life in the countryside Unit 3: Peoples of Viet Nam Review 1 THEME 2: OUR HERITAGE Unit 4: Our customs and traditions Unit 5: Festivals in Viet Nam Unit 6: Folk tales Review 2

What language level are your Ss supposed to be when they start your course? What have they leant in their previous grades? What are the performance objectives of your course (Tieng Anh 8)? What are the basic teaching aids you need? What kind of assessment is applied for your Ss?

6. How do you use the contents, the book map and the glossary in the Student’s Book? 7. What is the aim of Getting Started? 8. Why are CL1 and CL2 presented before the development of the four skills? 9. What is the aim of Communication? 10. Why the Project? How do you use it?

11. Which component is the most important in each unit? 12. Which component is the most challenging for your teaching? 13. Can you leave out any component/ activity/ item in your teaching? 14. Can you/ your Ss use Vietnamese in class? Why/ Why not? If yes, how much? 15. Which background knowledge is essential to successfully conduct this book?

7 Integrated approach: WHAT?
Narrow view: integration of four primary language skills Broader view: four primary language skills + subskills (non-verbal, cognitive, linguistic knowledge, etc.)

8 Integrated approach: WHY?
Production and reception: two sides of the same coin. Often one skill will reinforce another. Most of natural performance involves not only the integration of one or more skills, but connections between language and the way we think, feel and act.

9 Integrated approach: HOW?
The simplest and most basic type of integrated teaching incorporates the skills in the same language medium… employing learners’ receptive skills to provide input and modeling for productive skills. (Hinkel, E.(2010) Integrating the four skills: Current and historical perspectives) Some of T’s questions can be: How do you understand content-based instruction? Do our English textbook use any of the content-based approach? What do you think are the differences between tasks and activities or exercises in our English textbook? How projects and tasks are different?

10 Integrated approach: HOW?
Content-based Instructions Task-based Instructions Project-based Instructions Some of T’s questions can be: How do you understand content-based instruction? Do our English textbook use any of the content-based approach? What do you think are the differences between tasks and activities or exercises in our English textbook? How projects and tasks are different?

11 Task-based learning 3rd 1st 4th 2nd Definition Features Types of tasks
Types of tasks in the textbook

12 Task-based learning: DEFINITION
An activity A communicative goal An outcome

13 Task-based learning: DEFINITION
Examine two activities in your handout. Decide which activity is a task. State the reasons why.

14 Task-based learning Features of a task:
Will the activity engage learners' interest? Is there a primary focus on meaning? Is there a goal or an outcome? Is success judged in terms of outcome? Is completion a priority? Does the activity relate to real world activities? (Willis, D. & Willis, J. (2007). Doing task-based teaching. UK: OUP.)

15 A task or an exercise?

16 Sharing personal experience (story telling)
Six types of tasks TASKS Listing Ordering and sorting Creative tasks Comparing (matching) Problem solving Sharing personal experience (story telling) (Willis & Willis, 2007)

17 Listing List the kinds of transport available locally – a list of nouns List the features of an ideal transport system – a mixture of phrases and sentences List reasons for using (or not using) particular forms of transport – a list of quite complex sentences. List recommendations for improving your local public transport system – a list of quite complex sentences. (Willis & Willis, 2007)

18 Ordering and sorting In pairs, look at your list of famous people. Which people are most likely to remain popular and become 21st century icons? Rank them from the most popular to least popular, and be prepared to justify your order to another pair. Look at the four pictures. They are mixed up. Put the four pictures in a sequence so that they tell a story. Prepare to tell your story to another pair. (Willis & Willis, 2007)

19 Matching Read the texts – each is about a famous person but the person is not named – and look at the photos. Match each text to a photo. Then talk to your partner, and say how you were able to match them. Prepare to tell the class how you did it. Read the four headlines A to D. Match two pieces of information (given in 1 – 8 below) to each headline. Explain to your partner how you did this. What clues did you find? Did you both use the same clues? (Willis & Willis, 2007)

20 Comparing Tell your partner what usually do at weekends at this time of the year. Then find out what your partner does. Try to find at least three things in common or see how many things that you can find in three minutes you have in common. Tell your partner about what they are doing over the next few days. Find out if your paths are likely to cross at any point over this period. For example, you might be going to the same supermarket for your shopping. Spot the difference (Willis & Willis, 2007)

21 Problem-solving tasks
Think of a town center where there is too much traffic. In twos, think of three alternative solutions to this problem. List the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative. Then decide which alternative would be the cheapest one, the most innovative one, the most environmentally friendly one. Report your decisions to another pair/ group/ the class, and discuss which solution would be the best one to put forward to the local government. (Willis & Willis, 2007)

22 Story-telling Think of the most favourite teacher you have ever had. Work in pairs. Take turns to tell your partner about your favourite teacher.

23 Creative tasks Work in groups. Create an international menu and perform in a role play giving and taking orders from the menu.

24 Now work in groups. Look at one unit and find different types of tasks used.

25 Now let’s examine a sample TASK CHAIN in the handout
Now let’s examine a sample TASK CHAIN in the handout. Can you quickly create a task chain for one unit in the book? Just care about the topic and create your own tasks.

26 Integrated approach: Project-based learning
The PBL approach takes learner-centredness to a higher level. It shares many aspects with TBL, but if anything, it is even more ambitious. Whereas TBL makes a task the central focus of a lesson, PBL often makes a task the focus of a whole term or academic year.

27 Integrated approach: Project-based learning
Characteristics student-centered long-term linked with real world issues and practices a variety of learning styles

28 Project This work improves real world skills: - communication
- team work/ leadership - negotiation - planning and negotiating - imagination and creativity - independent/ critical thinking - knowledge of the world around you (B1p25, p35)

29 Writing objectives for your lessons
An objective is a description of a performance you want learners to be able to exhibit before you consider them competent. A recommended wording format is: "At the completion of this activity, participants should be able to..." This phrase is followed by a specific performance verb and the desired learning outcome.

30 Teaching practice – Unit 1
Forming groups of 5-7 Assigning a component for each group Allowing up to 20 minutes for the planning Having group presentations Having class discussion

31 Teaching practice – Unit 1
1. Getting started 2. Closer look 1. Vocab and Pronunciation 3. Closer look 2. Grammar 4. Culture and communication 5. Skill 1. Reading and Speaking 6. Skill 2. Listening and Writing 7. Looking back 8. Project

32 WHAT TO DO? Why are the activities in the component arranged in that order? What do you think is the best way to deliver this component? Would you make any change to the procedures in the book? If yes, why? Would you omit any activity/ item. If yes, why?


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