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Published byMavis Walker Modified over 8 years ago
Dynamic Programming I HKOI2005 Training (Advanced Group) Liu Chi Man, cx
2 Prerequisites Functions Recursion Divide-and-conquer Asymptotic notations – O,
3 Go, Go, Go! Recurrence relation Dynamic programming
4 Recurrence Relation A mathematical relationship expressing f n as some combination of f i with i < n Eric W. Weisstein. "Recurrence Relation." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. An equation which defines a sequence recursively “Recurrence relation." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 10 May 2005, 20:00 UTC.Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia 13 May 2005. Examples The Fibonacci numbers F 0 = 0; F 1 = 1; F n = F n-1 + F n-2 (for n = 2, 3, 4, …) The sequence is (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …) Base conditionsRecurrence
5 Recurrence Relation Examples The positive integers K 1 = 1; K n = min { K i K n-i } + 1 (for n = 2, 3, 4, …) The sequence is (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …) The product of two factorials H 0,0 = 1; H 0,i = H 0,i-1 i (for i = 1, 2, 3, …); H i,0 = H i-1,0 i (for i = 1, 2, 3, …); H i,j = H i-1,j-1 i j (for i = 1, 2, 3, …; j = 1, 2, 3, …) 1≤ i < n
6 A Shortest Path Problem Consider the network shown below, what is the shortest path distance from S to T? 1,1 1,2 1,3 2,1 2,2 2,3 3,1 3,2 3,3 ST 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 3 5 1 4 5 6 2 2 2 7 8 9 6 4 2 2 3
7 A Shortest Path Problem Solutions Enumeration How many different paths are there? 3 3 3 = 27 Very small~ but what if we have (1,1) up to (7,7)? 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 = 823543 Still not too big~ How about (100,100)? 100 100 = (1 googol) 2 [Note: 1 googol = 10 100 ] Exponential growth!
8 A Shortest Path Problem Solutions Any shortest path algorithm on general graphs Dijkstra Bellman-Ford Warshall-Floyd Standard enough, but we can solve this problem more efficiently by exploiting some of its special properties The graph shown is a so-called “layered network” Each arrow goes from one layer to the next layer
9 A Shortest Path Problem Notation (for convenience) c(u,v) = the cost of the arrow from node u to node v Definition D(k) = the shortest path distance from S to node k Base condition D(S) = 0 Recurrences D(1,1) = D(S) + c(S, (1,1)); D(1,2) = D(S) + c(S, (1,2)); D(1,3) = D(S) + c(S, (1,3));
10 A Shortest Path Problem Recurrences D(2,1) = min {D(1,1) + c((1,1), (2,1)), D(1,2) + c((1,2), (2,1)), D(1,3) + c((1,3), (2,1))}; D(2,2) = min {D(1,1) + c((1,1), (2,2)), D(1,2) + c((1,2), (2,2)), D(1,3) + c((1,3), (2,2))}; Similar for D(2,3), D(3,1), D(3,2), D(3,3) and D(T) Final answer D(T)
11 A Shortest Path Problem Running time analysis For each of the (roughly) 3 3 nodes, we perform 3 additions 1 “min” operation on 3 numbers Let’s generalize to n n nodes For each of the (roughly) n n nodes, we perform n additions 1 “min” operation on n numbers Overall time complexity = (n 3 ), assuming that the D(.) in min{…} can be retrieved in constant time
12 Dynamic Programming A method for reducing the runtime of algorithms exhibiting the properties of overlapping subproblems and optimal substructure “Dynamic programming." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 7 May 2005, 20:01 UTC.Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia 13 May 2005. In the previous example, why doesn’t our algorithm need to enumerate all possible paths from S to T? Why we can compute D(2,1) from D(1,1), D(1,2) and D(1,3) so easily?
13 Optimal Substructure A problem is said to have optimal substructure if its optimal solution can be constructed efficiently from optimal solutions to its subproblems Optimal substructure." Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 25 Mar 2005, 00:48 UTC.Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia 13 May 2005. In other words, the subsolution of an optimal solution is an optimal solution of the corresponding subproblem Subproblem Problem Subsolution Solution optimal
14 abxy Q Q’ Optimal Substructure A subpath of a shortest path is a again a shortest path (between its two endpoints) Proof: Suppose P is a shortest path from a to b. Let Q be any subpath of P. Q goes from x to y. What if Q is not a shortest path from x to y? That means there exists a shorter path Q’. The blue path is shorter than P, which is a contradiction to the assumption “P is a shortest path from a to b”. Hence Q is a shortest path from x to y
15 Optimal Substructure Thus the shortest path problem exhibits an optimal substructure That’s why we can compute D(2,1) from D(1,1), D(1,2) and D(1,3) Suppose we now want to compute D(m,k) A path from S to (m,k) must path through either one of (m-1,1), (m-1,2), …, (m-1,n) This implies that in particular, a SHORTEST path from S to (m,k) must path through one of those n nodes But which one??
16 Optimal Substructure How long is the shortest path from S to (m,k) passing through (m-1,i)? From the optimal substructure, we know that the distance is D(m-1,i) + c((m-1,i), (m,k)) D(m,k) is the minimum of these n distances, and we have obtained our recurrence
17 Optimal Substructure Some problems do not exhibit optimal substructures For example, finding a longest simple path in a graph between two nodes A longest simple path from s to e is s b c d e Is it true that b c is a longest simple path from b to c? s b c d e
18 Optimal Substructure Let’s try (and fail) to set up a recurrence relation for the longest simple path problem Definition L(v) = the longest simple path distance from node s to node v Base condition L(s) = 0 For the recurrence part, we use our previous reasoning…
19 Optimal Substructure Let u 1, u 2, …, u k be the nodes preceding v Then a longest simple path from s to v must pass through one of u 1, u 2, …, u k How long is the longest simple path from s to v passing through u 1 ? L(u 1 ) + 1 … Wait! What’s wrong? v may lie on the longest simple path from s to u 1 We cannot set up a recurrence easily This is because of the absence of an optimal substructure
20 Overlapping Subproblems Two subproblems may share a smaller subproblem Consider our shortest path problem Two of the subproblems are Compute D(3,1) Compute D(3,2) They share some common subproblems Compute D(2,1) Compute D(1,3) etc.
21 Overlapping Subproblems Suppose we want to compute D(2,1) and D(2,2) Computing D(2,1) requires computing D(1,1), D(1,2) and D(1,3), and each of them requires computing D(S) Then we compute D(2,2) Computing D(2,2) requires computing D(1,1), D(1,2) and D(1,3), and each of them requires computing D(S) Note the repetitions of computations! Try to compute D(3,1) and D(3,2)
22 Overlapping Subproblems We store every D(.) in memory after computing its value When computing a D(.), we can simply retrieve previously computed D(.)s from memory, avoiding repeated computations of those D(.)s So, for our shortest path problem, the D(.)s in min{…} can be “computed” in constant time Our algorithm runs in (n 3 ) time!
23 How to Solve a Problem by DP? Determine whether the problem exhibits an optimal substructure and has overlapping subproblems If so, then it MAY be solvable by DP Try to formulate a recurrence relation for the optimal solution (this is the most difficult step) Based on the recurrence relation, design an algorithm that compute the function values in correct order You are done
24 How to Solve a Problem by DP? If you are experienced enough, you may write up the recurrence before you identify any optimal structure or overlapping subproblems A problem may have many different formulations; some are easier to reach, while the others are easier to implement Sometimes when you identify a problem as a DP-able problem, you are 90% done We are going to see a few classical DP examples
25 Longest Common Subsequence Given two strings A and B of length n and m respectively, find their longest common subsequence (NOT substring) Example A: aabcaabcaadyyyefg B: cdfehgjaefazadxex LCS: caaade Explanation A: a a b c a a b c a a d y y y e f g B: c d f e h g j a e f a z a d x e x
26 Longest Common Subsequence Solution Exhaustion Number of subsequences of A = 2 n Exponential time! Optimal substructure A: a a b c a a b c a a d y y y e f g B: c d f e h g j a e f a z a d x e x caa is the LCS of caabca and cdfehgjaefa Proof: similar to the “shortest path” proof Overlapping subproblems Obvious
27 Longest Common Subsequence Definition F i,j = length of LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] Base conditions F i,0 = 0 for all i F 0,j = 0 for all j Recurrence F i,j =F i-1,j-1 + 1(if A[i] = B[j]) max{ F i-1,j, F i,j-1 }(otherwise) Answer F n,m
28 Longest Common Subsequence Explanation of the recurrence If A[i] = B[j], then matching A[i] and B[j] as a pair has no bad effect A: ????????x??????? B: ??????????x?????? How about the blue portion? I don’t care, but according to the optimal structure, we should use the LCS of the two blue strings Therefore we have F i,j = F i-1,j-1 + 1
29 Longest Common Subsequence Explanation of the recurrence If A[i] B[j], then either A[i] or B[j] (or both) must not appear in a LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] If A[i] does not appear (B[j] MAY appear) A: ????????x??????? B: ??????????y?????? LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] = LCS of blue strings F i,j = F i-1,j If B[j] does not appear (A[i] MAY appear) A: ????????x??????? B: ??????????y?????? LCS of A[1..i] and B[1..j] = LCS of blue strings F i,j = F i,j-1
30 Longest Common Sequence Can we compute F n,m directly? No, we need to compute F n-1,m, F n,m-1, F n-1,m-1 first Therefore we must compute the Fs in the “safe” order For example, we can compute the F i,j s in increasing order of i and j Now I know the length of the LCS, but how to obtain the LCS? Exercise
31 Longest Common Subsequence Store base conditions in memory for i = 1 to n do for j = 1 to m do Compute F i,j Store F i,j in memory The answer is F n,m Time complexity = (nm) Space complexity = (nm) Can be reduced to (min{n, m}) Wait for DP2
32 Stones There are n piles of stones in a row The piles have, in order, a 1, a 2, …, a n stones respectively You can merge two adjacent piles of stones, paying a cost which is equal to the number of stones in the resulting pile Find the minimum cost to merge all stones into one single pile
33 Stones Sample play 4 1 2 7 5 4 3 7 5 7 7 5 7 12 19 Total cost = 3 + 7 + 12 + 19 = 41 Does a greedy strategy always work?
34 Stones Suppose after some moves, there are m piles left and the numbers of stones in the piles are b 1, b 2, …, b m Each b i corresponds to a contiguous sequence of original (unmerged) piles Example: 8 7 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 5 15 12 1 2 7 8
35 Stones Optimal substructure Suppose in an optimal (minimum cost) solution, after some steps, there are m piles left Choose one of these piles, say p Suppose p corresponds to original piles s, s+1, …, t We claim that in the optimal solution, the sequence of moves that transform original piles s, s+1, …, t into p is an optimal solution to the subproblem [a s, a s+1, …, a t ] The proof is trivial
36 Stones Overlapping subproblems Obvious Definition C i,j = minimum cost to merge original piles i, i+1, …, j-1, j into a single pile Base conditions C i,i = 0 for all i Recurrence (for i < j) C i,j = min { C i,k + C k+1,j + a x } The answer is C 1,n i ≤ k < jx = i j
37 Stones Explanation of the recurrence To merge original piles i, i+1, …, j, there must be a (final) step in which we merge two piles into one Let the two piles be p and q, where p corresponds to original piles i, i+1, …, k and q corresponds to original piles k+1, k+2, …, j The cost to merge p and q = a x The minimum cost to construct p = C i,k The minimum cost to construct q = C k+1,j By the optimal substructure, the total cost is C i,k + C k+1,j + a x x = i j j
38 Stones In what order we should compute C i,j ? Increasing i and j? No! Recall: what does C i,j depend on? We can compute C i,j in increasing (j-i) order..... ii+1i+2i+3i+4j-2j-1j We are computing this... and we need these
39 Stones To avoid all the fuss in the previous slide, we may use a top-down implementation function getC(i, j) { if C i,j is already computed, Return C i,j otherwiseCompute C i,j using getC() calls Store C i,j in memory Return C i,j } No need to care about the order of computations!
40 Stones Time complexity = (n 3 ) By using a really clever trick (quadrangle inequality) we can modify the algorithm to run in (n 2 ), but that’s too far from our discussion Space complexity = (n 2 ) You may try another formulation Define C’ i,h = minimum cost to merge original piles i, i+1, i+2, …, i+h-1 into a single pile What are the advantages and disadvantages of this formulation?
41 Speeding Up Computation of R.F. The computation of some recursive (mathematical) functions (e.g. the Fibonacci numbers) can be sped up by “dynamic programming” However, this computation does not exhibit an optimal substructure In fact, optimality doesn’t mean anything here We make use of memo(r)ization (storing computed values in memory) to deal with overlapping subproblems
42 Memo(r)ization To be precise, we use the term memoization or memorization to refer to the method for speeding up computations by storing previously computed results in memory The term memoization comes from the noun memo The term dynamic programming refers to the process of setting up and evaluating a recurrence relation efficiently by employing memo(r)ization
43 Memo(r)ization However, in reality, memo(r)ization is often replaced by dynamic programming Let’s start the good(?) practice in HKOI HKOI DP Revolution of 2005 We: OrzOrz
44 0-1 Knapsack The notion of subproblems is not very obvious in some problems There are n items in a shop. The i-th item has weight w i and value v i. A thief has a knapsack which can carry at most a weight of W. What should she steal to maximize the total value of the stolen items? Assumption: all numbers in this problem are positive integers Bonus exercise: what does 0-1 mean?
45 0-1 Knapsack What is a subproblem? Less weight, fewer items Identify the optimal substructure Exercise Definition T i,j = maximum value she gains if she is allowed to choose from items 1, 2, …, i and the weight limit is j T’ i,j = maximum value she gains if item i is the largest indexed item chosen and the weight limit is j Which one is better?
46 0-1 Knapsack Base conditions T i,0 = 0 for all i T’ i,0 = 0 for all i Recurrence (for i, j > 0) T i,j = max { T i-1,j, T i-1,j-w i + v i }(if w i ≤ j) T i-1,j (otherwise) T’ i,j = max { T k,j-w i + v i }(if w i < j) v i (if w i = j) 0(otherwise) 1 ≤ k 0
47 0-1 Knapsack Time complexity T version – O(nW) T’ version – O(n 2 W) T’ is much more difficult to formulate and results in a higher time complexity This shows that the definition of the optimal function should be chosen carefully Again, it is your exercise to give an algorithm to construct the optimal set of chosen items
48 0-1 Knapsack In the Branch-and-Bound lecture I was told that the 0-1 Knapsack problem is NP-complete, but why there exists a polynomial-time DP solution? Polynomial in which variables? What assumptions have we made in the problem statement?
49 Phidias An easy problem at IOI2004 Phidias (an ancient Greek sculptor) has a big rectangle of size W H. He wants to cut the rectangle into small rectangles. Each small rectangle should have size W 1 H 1, or W 2 H 2, …, or W n H n. If any piece left is not of any of those sizes, then it is wasted. Phidias can only cut straight through a rectangle (parallel to a side of the rectangle), leaving two smaller rectangles. What is the minimum possible wasted area?
50 Phidias Subproblem: cutting a smaller rectangle Optimal substructure: Phidias cut according to an optimal solution. After some cuts, choose any one rectangle. In the optimal solution, this rectangle is going to be cut in a way that the wasted area is at minimum (concerning only this rectangle). Proof: trivial, because how this rectangle is cut should be independent of other rectangles left
51 Phidias Definition P h,w = min. wasted area if a h w rectangle is cut Base conditions P 1,1 =0(if 1 1 is one of the n desired sizes) 1(otherwise) P H i,W i = 0(for 1 ≤ i ≤ n) Recurrence P h,w = min { min { P k,w + P h-k,w }, min { P h,k + P h,w-k } } Answer P H,W 1 ≤ k < h 1 ≤ k < w
52 Looking forward… Topics going to be covered in Dynamic Programming II Fantastic DP formulations Dimension reduction in space DP on trees and graphs and hopefully, minimax for two-person games
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