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Autosub 7 m long x 0.9 m dia 2,700 kg in air Maximum Depth: 1600 m. Speed: 1 to 4 knots Endurance: Up to700 km depending on speed, hotel load etc. Large.

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Presentation on theme: "Autosub 7 m long x 0.9 m dia 2,700 kg in air Maximum Depth: 1600 m. Speed: 1 to 4 knots Endurance: Up to700 km depending on speed, hotel load etc. Large."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autosub 7 m long x 0.9 m dia 2,700 kg in air Maximum Depth: 1600 m. Speed: 1 to 4 knots Endurance: Up to700 km depending on speed, hotel load etc. Large space to fit scientific instruments Programmed to perform missions autonomously

2 150 kHz ADCP and INS 300 kHz ADCP Dive Weight Homing receiving trans’d Collision avoidance Sensor CTDs Water Sampler Camera Flash Camera Multi beam TX Multi beam RX GPS antenna Autosub Configuration (under ice) Emergency beacon

3 Instrument payload GPS antennaPrimary position when at surface 300 kHz ADCPRD Instrument. Maximum range 200m bottom/underside of ice tracking. 150m water column CTDSeaBird 9-11. Temperature and salinity starboard side. Temperature and salinity + optional fluorometer, transmissometer, PAR, Oxegen port side Water samplerAquamonitor – 49 samples in polythene bags Collision avoidance Mesotch 120kHz forward looking sonar Camera flashCamera system developed to take pictures at 10m in clear Antarctic waters. Flash in front, camera in rear to minimise back scatter Multi beam tx – EM2000 200 kHz Kongsberg multi beam sonar (see spec on following slides) NOTE Spec tends to be rather optimistic on all fronts!? Homing transducers Acoustic homing system developed for operating under ice Dive weightWeight dropping system developed for diving in ice covered waters Emergency beacon Long range 4.5kHz location beacon 150kHz ADCP/ Inertial navigation Navigation package (RD Instruments ADCP also used for science). IXSEA fibre optic gyro. Accuracy 1 – 1.5% of distance travelled when within 500m of bottom. Multi beam rx – EM2000 See above CameraSee above

4 EM2000 spec

5 EM2000



8 Deck layout on RRS James Clark Ross 1 Metre matrix on deck 20 foot workshop containers

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