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MUSICBLOX Flash Prototype Presentation. MUSICBLOX TEAM MEMBERS Anika Talapatra Mayank Mehta Nicolas Gaumond Zeid Al-Hammami.

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Presentation on theme: "MUSICBLOX Flash Prototype Presentation. MUSICBLOX TEAM MEMBERS Anika Talapatra Mayank Mehta Nicolas Gaumond Zeid Al-Hammami."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUSICBLOX Flash Prototype Presentation

2 MUSICBLOX TEAM MEMBERS Anika Talapatra Mayank Mehta Nicolas Gaumond Zeid Al-Hammami

3 MUSICBLOX A music creation toy. Children ages 5 and up. Designed to allow children to be creative, without requiring any instrumental aptitude. MusicBlox is a direct mapping from composition using notes, to composition using blocks. Explore the process of music composition, learning the sounds in relation to one another and harmonies between notes.

4 MUSICBLOX USERS Assumptions about users: Ability to distinguish between colors. Ability to memorize/associate notes to colors. Basic motor and listening skills. Basic comprehension of picture labels. Creative capability and musical motivation!

5 PHYSICAL DESIGN NOTEBLOX 8 colors, 8 notes Connect using affordances on sides of the blocks Note name, and staff position

6 PHYSICAL DESIGN MAINBLOX Instrument selection toggle button with default setting Choose guitar, flute, or piano Play/stop rocker button

7 USAGE SCENARIO Link several noteBlox Link noteBlox chain to the mainBlox Select instrument Press play/stop Remove mainBlox and demo composition to parents

8 USAGE SCENARIO NoteBlox lights up as they play! Identify and replace ‘wrong’ notes.

9 EVOLUTION OF THE INTERFACE Iterative design method Empirical results from Evaluation Plan at each stage User-driven changes

10 OVERALL EVALUATION CRITERIA  Intuitive connection of noteBlox.  No more than four task-oriented instruction diagrams.  Less than five seconds to add each noteBlox; focus on goal, the musical piece.  Easy identification/change of notes within a string of noteBlox.  Natural memorization of different tones using different colors of the noteBlox.

11 EVOLUTION: STAGE 1 PAPER PROTOTYPE Basic concept formation Remove idea of chords and multiple note lengths Remove baseBlox Simplifies design for feasibility

12 EVOLUTION: STAGE 2 EVALUATION PLAN I – QUANTITATIVE MEASUREMENT - Intuitiveness of interface: Time to assemble/play first song - Learnability: Time to assemble/play second song - Number of mistakes to correct use II – COGNITIVE WALKTHROUGH - How does the interface support each step of usage? - NoteBlox colors and side affordances - Labels on mainBlox - Note lights as it plays

13 EVOLUTION: STAGE 2 EVALUATION PLAN III – HEURISTIC CRITERIA - Visibility of system status - User control and freedom - Error prevention - Aesthetic and minimalist design - Help users recognize, diagnose and recover from errors

14 EVOLUTION: STAGE 2 SOFTWARE PROTOTYPE CHANGES 1. Default instrument: Satisfies error prevention 2. Play/stop rocker: Satisfies visibility of system status Overall criteria satisfied

15 EVOLUTION: STAGE 3 ALPHA PROTOTYPE CHANGES 1. Drawings showing instruments for toggle selection button: Satisfies Visibility of system status 2. More detailed user diagram: Satisfies Error prevention and recovery 3. Internalize LED’s: Satisfies Aesthetic and minimalist design, safer for children

16 EVOLUTION: STAGE 3 ALPHA PROTOTYPE POSITIVE USER RESPONSES 1. Physical affordances were clear 2. Staff markings provide good mapping 3. Familiar/“intuitive” language used 4. Buttons clear to use and indicate state 5. Visually appealing bright colors



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