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Metropolitan Bakersfield High- Speed Rail Terminal Analysis and Evaluation A Presentation to the California High-Speed Rail Authority By the Kern Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Metropolitan Bakersfield High- Speed Rail Terminal Analysis and Evaluation A Presentation to the California High-Speed Rail Authority By the Kern Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metropolitan Bakersfield High- Speed Rail Terminal Analysis and Evaluation A Presentation to the California High-Speed Rail Authority By the Kern Council of Governments November 14, 2001

2 California High-Speed Rail Act of 1996  185010(h) -… the state must begin preparation of a high-speed intercity rail plan similar to California’s former freeway plan…  185010(i) -… build a high-speed rail system [that] will generate jobs and economic growth…  185030 -… that is fully integrated with the state’s existing rail and bus network…

3 California High-Speed Rail Authority Final Business Plan,June 2000 Letter to the Governor  “The recommendations in this business plan are economically feasible, publicly popular, and fiscally prudent…”  “The importance of the state’s transportation infrastructure to the economic vitality of the state cannot be under-estimated.”  “As important as the financial qualities of the project are, the benefits to the state’s citizenry, economy, and environment are equally as important.”

4 Ridership and Revenue  Trade-off between length and accessibility: – Antelope Valley/I-5 travel time difference (9-12) minutes) is 7% of total San Francisco-Los Angeles running time – Antelope Valley alignment provides access to 700,000 more people and 270,000 more jobs – Normal 3-5 minute variation (actual time) is more than 1/3 of scheduled time difference  Net Result: Antelope Valley option results in higher cumulative ridership and revenue

5 Economic Integration  Greater intermodal connectivity (Palmdale Regional Airport)  Greater access to and support of key industrial resources (Plant 42, Edwards AFB, China Lake NW Station, etc.)  Improved job/housing balance: air quality & congestion benefits  More than $500 million in aggregate net new economic stimulus over project life-cycle The Antelope Valley option provides:

6 The Antelope Valley Alignment  Is most consistent with federal, state, and local planning principles, including those of the California High-Speed Rail Authority.  Will have the least overall impact on key environmental and socioeconomic resources.  Enjoys unanimous support by Southern California and Central Valley elected officials, business groups, and other public interest organizations.

7 Kern Transportation Foundation High-Speed Rail Committee  Comanche Drive/State Route 58  Rosedale Highway/Allen Road  Meadows Field Airport  7 th Standard Road/West of State Route 99  Golden State Avenue/M Street  Truxtun Avenue/S Street  Truxtun/Union Avenue Seven potential high-speed rail terminals evaluated in Metropolitan Bakersfield:

8 Evaluation Criteria  Infrastructure improvements  Intermodal connection  Access to a metro area  Rail alignment  Train speed (geometrics)  Utility availability  Environmental issues  Site purchase price  Parking Availability  Growth-inducing issues  Access to existing support services

9 Focused Project Listing  Based on scores received during the evaluation and screening process, three high-speed rail terminal sites were selected for further consideration:  7 th Standard Road/West of State Route 99  Golden State/M Street  Truxtun Avenue and S Street/Union

10 Terminal Analysis

11 Our Recommendations to the California High-Speed Rail Authority:  That the Authority adopt the Antelope Valley Alignment as its preferred (baseline) routing between Bakersfield and Sylmar.  The following terminal sites are recommended for further study by the Authority: 7 th Standard/West of State Route 99, Golden State/M Street, and Truxtun Avenue and S Street/Union Avenue.

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