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Club Boulevard Elementary Garden Plan 2010-2015 Site Plans Garden Plans – Current – Next – Post-addition Next Steps.

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1 Club Boulevard Elementary Garden Plan 2010-2015 Site Plans Garden Plans – Current – Next – Post-addition Next Steps





6 Extended Hours Garden Current Action: Maintain landscaping Add seasonal flowers/plants School Entrance Current Action: Maintain landscaping Add seasonal flowers/plants Build beds Weed Clean trash Transplant shaded plants Clean up sign Replace rotting rail timbers Revamp kids garden Next Hide HVAC unit Add azalea border along southern school wall Rain barrels?

7 Parking Garden Trellis? Outdoor easels Water barrels Main Courtyard (North) Plan for water drainage Tree removal New picnic tables Better path Bird houses Storage shed? Weed/new plantsDumpsters Beautiful Durham grant Cover and plants Art Courtyard (South) Remove shrubbery Maintenance plan Outdoor easels

8 Back Entrance (North) Trailer footprint Garden bed Soil testing Class sponsor See slide #9/10 New Addition Gardens Spigots Water barrels Garden per class? Plan with architects Edible/Flowers Summer plan/maintain Build beds See slide #9/10 Water Garden (South) Plan with architects Link to curriculum See Slide #11 Maintain




12 Fall Accomplishments: Created Garden group (Rae, Lea, Catherine, Mark, Bridget and now Amber) Held two work days (maintain front garden areas) Applied for and received Beautiful Durham grant for dumpster area Set up Gardens @Club website Conducted garden planning walk at school Met with Principal Copeland on plans (sent site plans and discussed Wellness and renovations – cafeteria grant?) Met with garden coordinators from Powe, Moorhead, Lakewood, Forest Hills, Watts and Mangum and others Met and joined Durham Healthy Schools coalition Met with DPS contractors and landscape designers on new addition and future garden opportunities Developed draft Club Garden plan (2009-2014) Presented at PTA meeting Spring Plan Present Garden plan to public (meeting and website) Create table display (maps, photos and sign up sheets) Host Garden table at Club events (Healthy Food/Multicultural/others) Develop grant matrix for garden funds (Target, Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart,others) Seek out local business supporters (Rock Shop, Stone Brothers, CREE, Life/Science Museum, others) Seek out local expertise partners (Duke, NC State, parents, others) Planning spring work days in March and April Planning fundraising opportunities Connect with Durham Area Designers for planning assistance Build area for dumpster coverage Start building/creating/supporting garden section plans Future Plans PTA asks Funds for cedar bluebird houses (3 at $10 per house)

13 Next steps: Present to PTA Call a garden planning meeting to get feedback, ideas and volunteers Each section plan is developed/owned and work commenced based on timeline Maintenance /Sustainability plan We should seek coordination and cooperation with neighborhood for summer garden usage – we need to develop a plan and liability issues (garden open or locked). We seek funds from Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Target and others for garden supplies and curriculum aids to teachers We convene meeting with interested teachers to seek input, guidance and leadership. We convene parent garden meeting to seek input, guidance and leadership. An overall goal is to have one teacher, parent and student per grade as master gardeners with admin and PTA support. Overall coordination, planning and fundraising will be done by the Club Garden Club. We should have a harvest festival each year (fall) and blossom festival (spring) – each event could coincide with a work day. We can have one additional work day each semester for the garden club. We should seek partnership with local boy and girl scouts or 4-H for larger projects. We should seek a partnership with extension office/Duke or NC state students willing to spend a year with us. We should seek parents with carpentry skills and landscape design skills.

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