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Online Survey Applications Using SurveyMonkey in Support of the S3TAIR Project, Dr. Wilma Jozwiak, NYS SPDG (S3TAIR Project) Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Online Survey Applications Using SurveyMonkey in Support of the S3TAIR Project, Dr. Wilma Jozwiak, NYS SPDG (S3TAIR Project) Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Survey Applications Using SurveyMonkey in Support of the S3TAIR Project, Dr. Wilma Jozwiak, NYS SPDG (S3TAIR Project) Coordinator

2 Online Survey Advantages Design functionalities for decreased completion time (skip logic) Improved return rate Automated simple data analyses and display Ease of information sharing within Project Significant savings in duplication and mailing costs

3 Specific SurveyMonkey Advantages Inexpensive ($200 annually for a professional subscription) Many features Good documentation Excellent and timely tech support Did I mention, cheap?

4 Disadvantages of Online Surveys Although security has not been a problem, for some even this simple technology is a barrier Older computers and bad power supplies have interrupted survey completion in a few cases It’s almost too easy to develop – there is a risk of survey overload

5 Dealing with the Disadvantages Always offer a paper alternative (SM produces an Adobe version, but skip logic is lost) Be ready to talk respondents through the process Always keep the respondent in mind – consider survey use Project-wide to avoid overkill

6 How We’ve Used SM Collecting additional information from effective practice nominees Capturing feedback from nominees about the site visit process Capturing current status of inclusive practices in NYS higher education institutions with teacher preparation programs

7 Other Possible Uses Effort reporting Quick probes for decision making The sky’s the limit!

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