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Presentation on theme: " INNO-FOREST working methods: I Personal case studies II Group works III Tutoring sessions IV Learning diary V Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 INNO-FOREST working methods: I Personal case studies II Group works III Tutoring sessions IV Learning diary V Evaluation

2 I Personal case studies Case study protocol and interview guidelines for students of the IP by Gerhard Weiss Each student will write a case study report containing the following issues: –Part I – enterprise –Part II – innovation case A draft for that report is to be brought to Iisalmi. Final report By 24 June 2005 to Savonia Polytechnic Suggestions for the case enterprise By 24 June 2005

3 I Personal case studies Part I – enterprise : Description of the enterprise and the business area: –short history, –main ratios (turnover, personnel), –main products, markets and customers, –main trends in the business area Present situation regarding innovation aspects –present innovations, –resources and working methods/strategies for innovations Description of the business goals of the enterprise Future innovations the enterprise is planning to work with Analysis and recommendations for the enterprise how to enhance the innovations: –1. market analysis: potential, competitive circumstances; –2. resource analysis (non-material): knowledge, networks; –3. resource analysis (financial and other material resources) List of recommended tasks to do

4 I Personal case studies Part II – innovation case: Chronology and subject of the innovation: –What was the problem situation before the innovation? –Development and implementation of the innovation process (milestones) –Detailed description of the innovation and outcome Actors network analysis: –Which actors involved? (public administration; extension services; interest groups/NGO’s; education and research institutions; firm networks and cooperation) –Roles of actors (who contributed ideas/impulse/information/support?) –What kinds of business cooperation? (horizontal/vertical/lateral) Analysis of the innovation process: –Coordination and cooperation of actors –Sources/flow of information –Sources/flow of financial means (internal/external/relevance of support programmes) Evaluation: –Objectives of the innovation –Economic outcomes (protit/turnover/productivity gain) –Positive and negative results and outcomes of the innovation (economic performance and other/unintended effects) –Challenges and problems, strategies –Fostering and impeding factors –Future plans Conclusions: –Lessons learnt/recommendations

5 I Personal case studies Report for the case enterprise Contents and the form depends on the needs of the enterprise Could be the same as “personal case study report” or can be modified for the enterprise (e.g. containing also the secret parts) Should contain at least the following sections: –Analysis and recommendations for the enterprise how to enhance the innovations: 1. market analysis: potential, competitive circumstances; 2. resource analysis (non-material): knowledge, networks; 3. resource analysis (financial and other material resources) –Evaluation of the innovations Objectives of the innovation Economic outcomes (protit/turnover/productivity gain) Positive and negative results and outcomes of the innovation (economic performance and other/unintended effects) Challenges and problems, strategies Fostering and impeding factors Future plans –Conclusions: Lessons learnt/recommendations –List of recommended tasks to do

6 II Group works Working groups and guiding teachers: I) Forestry process innovations, Mr. Meelis Teder II) Wood product innovation, prof. Nickola Stoyanov III) Non-wood product innovation, Mr. Attila Hegedus IV) Recreational innovations, Dr. Carmen Nastase V) Environmental innovations, Mrs. Senja Smedberg VI) Prefabricated wood component innovations, Dr. Miika Kajanus

7 II Group works Each group produces a group report and presentation to final seminar on Thursday 26.5. Main goal is to give an overview about the group theme, e.g. non-wood product innovation. The group report and the presentation is produced on web INNO-FOREST The group presents their results on the final seminar

8 II Group works Group report (About 5 pages written report) Contents: 1)Title (group theme) 2)Team members 3)What is the group theme about? (Definition) 4)List and short description of the case enterprises and their business areas 5)Analysis of the present situation of the enterprises, their business goals and the operating environment regarding innovation aspects 6)List and short description of the innovation cases 7)Analysis of the innovations Actors networks, innovation processes 8)Evaluations (both the enterprises and the innovations) 9)Conclusions Lessons learnt, recommendations

9 III Tutoring sessions Three tutoring groups Groups I and II: Nickola Stoyanov and Meelis Teder Groups III and IV: Attila Hedegus and Carmen Nastase Groups V and VI: Senja Smedberg and Miika Kajanus

10 III Tutoring sessions The goal is to have feedback discussions helped by the learning diaries: Subject matters –place to form the “whole picture” –Which questions are still unclear, needing more exact discussions or management Practical matters –Any matters disturbing the successful learning –What need to be done?

11 IV Learning diary Each student write the personal learning diary of each day Confidential, only the guiding teacher reads it As short as possible Contents Subject matters 1.List of issues I learnt today (Not a “story” about of what we was doing today!) 2.List of issues I didn't understand 3.List of new aspect, point of views or new issues I could bring to the general discussions 4.Self evaluation: How did I manage, give 1) your own written evaluation about yourself, and 2) the grade: 5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = satisfactory, 1 = poor, A = approved, F = failed. ; Concerning all the days together, not for each day, Practical matters 1.What is disturbing my possibilities to learn 2.Suggestions for organisers what needs to be done? Other remarks: Send to your own group’s guiding teacher the day before the tutoring discussions by e-mail or by paper

12 V Evaluation Student progress and performance will be evaluated: Personal case study report 35 % Group work report and presentation 25 % Activity in lessons 10 %, Activity in group works 10 % Self evaluation 20 % (the grade itself and how carefully you could evaluate yourself) Participating students will get the certificates with grades as follows: 5 = excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = satisfactory, 1 = poor, A = approved, F = failed. Evaluation will be done by all the teachers

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