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Supporting Educators in Technology Enhanced Teaching Sandra Kučina Softić University of Zagreb University Computing Centre, Croatia Online Educa, Berlin.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Educators in Technology Enhanced Teaching Sandra Kučina Softić University of Zagreb University Computing Centre, Croatia Online Educa, Berlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Educators in Technology Enhanced Teaching Sandra Kučina Softić University of Zagreb University Computing Centre, Croatia Online Educa, Berlin November 28-30, 2012 1

2 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Questions? Do educators need support in use of ICT in teaching? Why do they need support? What kind of support do they need?

3 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Workshop in May 2012, Zagreb

4 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Why use ICT in teaching? TO MAKE BETTER TEACHING – deeper/wider knowledge – better understanding – happier students – happier teachers BETTER TEACHING is about... METHODOLOGY not about technology

5 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb All teachers are not the same they need different kind of support

6 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Innovators pioneers, explorers, inventors..., lone rangers first to invent they do everything alone test on themselves brave people they are unstoppable they don’t give up easily difficult to adjust to the routine dreamers essential for change important communication What they need “legalisation “of their work resources education recognition

7 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Early Adopters respectable people, entrepeneurs, opinion leaders, promotors... try out new ideas but in careful way want to be amont first recognize chance and application practical proactive potential leaders What they need example from pioneers instructions resources education recognition visibility of their work

8 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Early Majority well intended, followers... thoughful people, careful but accepting change more quickly than the average recognize and understand novelties need to be lead predominantly extrinsically motivated need positive motivation threat or punishment discourages them What they need positive motivation examples instructions resources education support leadership control award

9 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Late Majority skeptic people, suspicious, disinterested... will use new ideas or products only when the majority is using it do not understand and need interpretation have to be controlled need push and punishment very extrinsically motivated What they need “negative” motivation examples instructions resources education support management control punishment

10 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Leggards traditionalists, diehards, cynics, unbelievers... make decisions based on past experience caring for the “old ways” critical towards new ideas against any change don’t count they will ever change leave them be keep them as free “consultants”

11 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Workshop in May 2012, Zagreb

12 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb What kind of support do the need? political organizational methodological technological

13 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Political support strategy policy regulatory framework budget culture

14 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Organizational support examples instructions support visibility of results

15 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Methodological support creating courses creating materials lecturing tutoring, mentoring managing group work

16 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Technological support infrastructure tools education support

17 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Workshop in May 2012, Zagreb

18 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb  traditional, research oriented university  founded 1669 by Leopold I Hapsburg  the oldest Croatian and South-East European university  33 schools/faculties  56.000 students and 7.500 teaching staff  ICT infrastructure (beginning and advanced usage)  e-learning  from 90’: individual attempts – “lone rangers”  2007: systematically  University Committee for E-learning  E-learning Award  E-learning Day  E-learning Centre  Office for E-learning

19 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb E-learning Centre central point for support to institutions, teachers and students in implementation of e-learning basic objectives –support to teachers and students, teams and groups for e-learning at schools –providing reliable and generally accessible e-learning platform –to establish and support the university network of people supporting, using or promoting e-learning –to promote and foster implementation of e-learning at the University of Zagreb

20 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb Our users teachers – majority –listening their needs and ideas –try to always say yes –working with them –different types of users- different approaches students –need occasional support –need proper introduction to e-learning at the beggining of studies institutions, local e-learning teams –advice and guidance on the implementation process teachers students institutions (management) e-learning representatives& teams at local level

21 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb University Computing Centre University of Zagreb How to promote and raise awareness on e-learning in academic community? communication, contact persons at institutions coordination among all involved institutional parties workshops, gatherings promotion materials (leaflets, newsletter, bookmarks, pencils...) web pages

22 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb University Computing Centre University of Zagreb How to intrigue teachers and attract them to try new ways and possibilities of teaching ? target group: early adopters and early majority provide information and trainings stimulate and recognize efforts promotion rules awards (funds) to give offer they cannot refuse - top-down vision on e-learning

23 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb

24 University Computing Centre University of Zagreb E-learning Centre University Computing Centre University of Zagreb

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