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Kelsey Inman Elissa Stiles Cameron Ponder Joey Trejo.

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1 Kelsey Inman Elissa Stiles Cameron Ponder Joey Trejo

2 - Experiences of smell is Olfaction -Olfactory Receptor Cells: Alert the brain through their axon fibers. Identify odors individually -Odor Molecules: Come in different shapes and sizes making it more difficult fir receptors ti identify them. *Odors bind with the receptors Olfaction

3 2 Flowers To each table What does it smell like? How do you know it’s a flower? Just by its smell? Does it bring back memories? Activity#1

4 -When the odor binds with the Receptors, smell is enhanced. -Receptor protein that recognizes the particular odor particles are embedded on the surface of your nasal cavity neurons -(like a key and a lock) -Some odors trigger receptor combinations, which causes different receptor arrays -The receptors then send messages to the Olfactory Bulb -From there it goes to the temporal Lobes smell cortex -Then leading to the limbic system that is involved with memory and emotion Process of Smelling

5 Three Major Parts: olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract -Odor Molecules go into nasal cavity -Olfactory epithelium-nasal membranes containing receptor cells sensitive to odors and is located at the top of the Olfactory Bulb -the receptor cells- receive and separate the odors -Olfactory Bulb –smell center in the brain -Olfactory Nerve - each of the first pair of cranial nerves, transmitting impulses to the brain from the smell receptors in the mucous membrane of the nose. -Olfactory tract-the pathway from the olfactory bulb to the temporal lobe which results in the awareness of smell Olfactory Anatomy

6 Worksheet Answers Odorant Receptors

7 -a hotline runs between the brain area that gets information from the nose and the brain’s limbic system that associate with memory and emotion. -A certain smell can trigger a happy or a unhappy memory. -Such as a flower- that may equal a happy memory. Emotions

8 Again we will need a few people to demonstrate this activity There are boxes and none of you know what is inside Your sense of smell can help with knowing what is good to eat and what is not If you guess right that you are in fact able to eat it or not, you will receive a treat. Enjoy your snack ;) Activity #2

9 -Answer the following questions: 1.Smell? a.Triggers an immediate reaction in another animal b.3 key functions of Olfaction c.Inability to detect odors d.Occurs when sufficient concentration of odorant is present 2. True or False a.Olfactory Bulb = A term for a sense of smell b.Odors can rekindle pleasant or unpleasant memories 3.The Olfactory Epithelium is located in the roof of the ________ _________ 4. How is smell related to memory? 5. What are the 3 major parts of Olfaction? Practice Quiz

10 1.D 2. a. False b. True 3.Olfactory Bulb 4.They both go to the limbic system that deals with emotion and memory 5.olfactory epithelium, olfactory bulb, olfactory tract answers

11 Hot foods tastes better because the heat causes more of the pleasant smells to rise into the nose. These abundant smells contribute to the total taste of food.( things.html) Fun Facts

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