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Arabian Peninsula Mix of barren desert, mountains and oases Arabs mix of settled cultivators, nomadic pastoralists and semi-nomads Criss-crossed by trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Arabian Peninsula Mix of barren desert, mountains and oases Arabs mix of settled cultivators, nomadic pastoralists and semi-nomads Criss-crossed by trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arabian Peninsula Mix of barren desert, mountains and oases Arabs mix of settled cultivators, nomadic pastoralists and semi-nomads Criss-crossed by trade routes Tribal society Mostly pagans. Also Christians, Jews

2 Map Link: The Middle East in the 6th Century:

3 Mecca “Allah” (creator figure), seen as Abrahamic God by some Christians and Jews. Ka‘ba as shrine built by Abraham (and Ishmael, in Islam) Pilgrimage centre, site of haram, Ka‘ba and near other shrines Trade centre, on several trade routes Ruled by the Quraysh, but home to other tribes and very diverse socially and economically. Also home to Christians and Jews

4 Word ListTimeline Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn ‘Abd al-Muttalib, of the clan of Hashim, of the tribe of Quraysh Abu TalibKhadija c. 570 Birth of Muhammad

5 Word ListTimeline Mt. Hira’ Qur’an/Koran 610 Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Power, 27th Ramadan) 611 Muhammad starts preaching in Mecca.

6 Qur’an 96: 1-5: 1. Read in the name of thy Lord who created. 2. Created man from a blood-clot. 3. Read, for thy Lord is the Most Generous, 4. Who taught by the pen, 5. Taught man that which he knew not.

7 Yathrib al-Madina/ Medina (the city) Madinat al-Nabi (the city of the Prophet) Word ListTimeline 619 Deaths of Abu Talib and Khadija. 622 Hijra (emigration) to Medina.

8 Timeline 622-30 War with Mecca. Muhammad also deals with internal opponents at Medina. 628 Stalemate. Truce with Mecca. 629 Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. 630 Conquest of Mecca and Ta‘if.

9 Word ListTimeline jizyahajj Abu Bakr ‘A’isha 632 Death of Muhammad (8th June).

10 Map Link: Islamic Lands at the Death of Muhammad: < Spread_Arabia.jpg/243997577/Islam_-_Spread_Arabia.jpgSpread_Arabia.jpg/243997577/Islam_-_Spread_Arabia.jpg>

11 The Qur’an 114 suras (chapters) approx. 6200 ayas (verses) al-Fatiha (the Opening) - 7 ayas

12 Topics in the Qur’an The nature of God Stories of the prophets Day of Judgment The Path to Paradise No associates, like Ezra, Jesus or the Trinity With scriptures: Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad Hud, Salih, Shu‘ayb, LuqmanIshmael

13 Al-Tabari (b. Amul 839, d. Baghdad 923) Abu Ja‘far Muhammad ibn Jarir ibn Yazid al-Tabari Son of prosperous landowner. Child prodigy. Left home at 12 to seek scholars to learn from. Travelled widely. Settled in Baghdad. Wrote on history, Qur’anic interpretation, jurisprudence. Taught, but never in official position.

14 Al-Tabari (b. Amul 839, d. Baghdad 923) Comprehensive user of sources, but also uses own judgment. Works: many, including: Mukhtasar Ta’rikh al-Rusul wa’l-Muluk wa’l-Khulafa’ (universal history from creation to 915. 12.5 vols; original was ten times that!) Jami‘ al-Bayan ‘an Ta’wil Ay al-Qur’an (commentary on Qur’an, finished 896-903)

15 mi‘raj (miraculous night journey)

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