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Our Banned Book Project By, Jaymee Gourley and Danielle Adams.

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2 Our Banned Book Project By, Jaymee Gourley and Danielle Adams

3 What Is The First Amendment “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances “

4 Why Is The First Amendment Important The reasons the first amendment is important is stated by the fallowing, “the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” We should all be able to voice our opinion or tell our story.

5 What Is A Challenged/Banned Book?  Challenged book- Is an attempt to remove or restrict materials based upon the objections of a person or a group.  Banned book- Is the removal of these materials.

6 Why Are Books Challenged? If books have things such as drugs, gangs, sex, racism and other unacceptable things for children to read a book is usually challenged for the fact children may be exposed to it.

7 Why Are Books Banned? Books are banned usually after a book is being challenged they agree that the material that is in the book is to inappropriate for most people or certain age groups.

8 Who Has The Right Challenge Books? Everyone has the right to challenge a book if our First Amendment is Freedom Of Speech, it simple states that everyone is entitled to there own opinion.

9 Our Opinion About Challenging Books We feel that if we have freedom of speech as our first amendment, that no one should have the right to banned a book. We do concur though that the book should not be available to all age groups. Like the book “Freedom Writers Diary” Should not be in libraries at middle schools and under. We agree that it should be allowed in high schools though.

10 Others Opinion (Interview With Nellie) 4/14/10 Question: Do You Feel Books Should Be Banned? Answer: No because if you don’t like what's in it you shouldn’t read it. Question: Do You Feel It’s Still Freedom Of Speech If A Book Is Banned? Answer: Yeah I feel if you don’t agree what’s in a book you shouldn’t read it. Question: Do You Agree With Books Being Taken Out Of Schools And Libraries For Protection Of Others? Answer: Yeah depending on what the book is.

11 Where I Got This Information Mullally, Claire “Banned Books” atation atation “Who Challenges Books” “Why Are Books Challenged” “ What's the difference between a challenge and a banning?” Levine, Lee “Overview”[ic Hudson, David L “Book Censorship” htttp:// Hall, Kermit L. “First Amendment” White, Nellie 7alfa Staff Personal Interveiw 4/14/10


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