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Digital Natives in the Classroom Presented by: Donna Tran Michelle McCain Brian Cuthbert Dana Quinterro Christine Ligono.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Natives in the Classroom Presented by: Donna Tran Michelle McCain Brian Cuthbert Dana Quinterro Christine Ligono."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Natives in the Classroom Presented by: Donna Tran Michelle McCain Brian Cuthbert Dana Quinterro Christine Ligono

2 Sue Bennett, Karl Maton, and Lisa Kervin Reviewed by: Donna Tran

3 Digital Who? Digital natives/net generation = born between 1980 and 1994. Digital natives have been immersed in technology mostly all their lives. Technology exposure to: computers, cell phones, video games, DVD players, digital cameras, iPods, etc. Belief: Constant exposure to technology = new learning preferences = a need for tweaking how students are taught in school

4 Characteristics of Digital Natives Active experiential learners Proficient in multitasking Dependent on communications technologies for accessing information and for interacting with others It is suggested that these students prefer discovery- based learning that allows exploration, active testing of ideas, and creating knowledge…game-based activities

5 Research A survey of 4,374 students across 13 institutions in the U.S. found… 93.4% own personal computers 82% own mobile phones Most commonly used technology…99.5% Use word processing Use email Web surf for pleasure

6 BUT consider this… Potential differences in technology use related to SES, cultural/ethnic background, gender, age Idea that all digital natives have common levels of access and technology skills may cause those less interested and less able to be neglected. “There is as much variance within the digital native generation as between the generations.” There is no evidence that multitasking is a new phenomenon exclusive to digital natives and it may not be as beneficial as it appears…can result in loss of concentration and cognitive overload.

7 G. Ching Reviewed by: Michelle McCain

8 Implications of an Experimental Information Technology Curriculum For Elementary Students The purpose of this study is to see how useful would a technology curriculum be for elementary students. This is an experimental research study.

9 Implications of an Experimental Information Technology Curriculum For Elementary Students Findings suggest that can be the success of this experiment was dependent on teacher commitment and collaboration along with the ongoing support of the school administration. With faculty teamwork beneficial outcomes can come in terms of the production of knowledge and creativity, faculty growth, which will ultimately lead to educational excellence.

10 Implications of an Experimental Information Technology Curriculum For Elementary Students Many experts agree that thematic interdisciplinary lessons improve student awareness in learning. Throughout the study, the researcher observed numerous carefully thought-out creative thematic and interdisciplinary IT lessons and exercises. During the observations, students perceived as motivated and engaged in the lessons.

11 Marilee Sprenger Reviewed by: Brian Cuthbert

12 Digital natives Digital natives have grown up with technology Digital natives are accustomed to multitasking Is multitasking beneficial to learning? We must teach digital natives how to find balance

13 Finding Balance Seven Strategies 1. Provide reflection time 2. Disarm them 3. Let them teach 4. Use interactive white boards 5. Build emotional literacy 6. Teach mindfulness 7. Encourage storytelling

14 Conclusion “Students' digitally conditioned brains are 21st century brains, and teachers must encourage these brains to operate fully in our classrooms. We must recognize that relationships and focused attention are key to learning in this century. If we can help students balance the gifts technology brings with these human gifts, they will have everything they need.” (Sprenger, 2009)

15 Carolyn Staudt Reviewed by: Dana Quinterro

16 Article Overview Study done in Massachusetts in a second grade classroom using the Palm Students are already familiar with technology (similar to GameBoy) Personal, portable, small screen, feels like a “toy”, pictures, games Can store work, thoughts, ideas, data, and drawings

17 Added Value Allows students to collect data at anytime or any place (ex. calorie intake) Spreadsheets, calculator, internet, graphing tools, note taking, schedules Can share results with other students by beaming or synching Sense of responsibility is shifted from teacher to student (student-directed vs teacher-directed) Technology excites students and change of pace

18 More Values Price of handheld computers has dropped in past years $120-$200 compared to $400 New educational applications created the last 3 years Great for group projects because of ability to beam Teacher able to see step by step choices Student conceptions or misconceptions

19 Bob Pletka Reviewed by: Christine Ligono

20 According to Bob Pletka, author of Educating the Net Generation, most students expressed that computers supported their ability to learn by providing opportunities to search for information easily, experience differentiated pacing, access websites resources, visualize examples through streaming video, and utilize writing tools. A student, according to Pletka also said that, “computer is a ‘part’ of the student body and that without it they would be missing a vital piece in their learning system.” It is also true to say, that learning has become easier, due to technology.

21 Citations Bennett, S., Maton, K., & Kervin, L. (2008). The ‘digital natives’ debate: A critical review of the evidence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(5), 775-786. Ching, G. (2009). Implications of an experimental information technology curriculum for elementary students. Computers & Education, 53, 10. Sprenger, M. (2009, September). Focusing the Digital Brain. Educational Leadership, 67(1), 34. Retrieved September 16, 2009, from Middle Search Plus database. Staudt, Carolyn. (1999). “Handheld Computers in Education. 1-7. Retrieved on September 16, 2009, from Pletka, Bob. (2007). Educating the Net Generation [Electronic Version]. Santa Monica Press.

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