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Making Applications: Research Plan, Curriculum Vitae, List of Publications etc. Prof. Kaisa Miettinen

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Presentation on theme: "Making Applications: Research Plan, Curriculum Vitae, List of Publications etc. Prof. Kaisa Miettinen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Applications: Research Plan, Curriculum Vitae, List of Publications etc. Prof. Kaisa Miettinen

2 What to do? Be active – follow advertisements Read instructions carefully and follow them!!! Be careful – avoid typos Obey deadlines Update CV and list of publications Make a study plan AND a funding plan. Remember: funding decisions take time! Some foundations expect reporting – remember to report whenever expected

3 Pay Attention to Express clearly your scientific contribution & connect to what others do Separate past progress and future plans Indicate refereed publications and present clearly status of publications (paper submitted is not yet a publication) Include a timetable in your plan If you apply for continuation in funding, do not expect the reader to know your previous achievements Learn to express your research question and main contribution briefly - one page summary may be helpful

4 Research Plan Your name and affiliation (university) Topic, i.e. title of the thesis (project) Background and motivation Research objectives (and methods) Implementation Research environment Expected research results and their relevance List of references

5 Background Background and significance of the research and its position in the national and international research field Possible previous activity pertaining to the scope of the topic Short list of important publications from the point of view of the topic

6 Objectives l Objectives and goals of the research Should be l challenging l but still possible to realize l Hypotheses

7 Methods Research methods to be used Possibly: research material, including how the research material will be obtained

8 Implementation Current status of PhD thesis Timetable Type of thesis (monograph or collection of articles) Detailed justification for funding applied for ◦ Financial plan: other funding, grants applied for etc.

9 Research Environment Supervisors Possible members of the team ◦ Links with other research carried out by the team Research environment National and international collaboration ◦ Form of collaboration Research environment Possible description of research carried out abroad – mobility plan

10 Expected Research Results and their Relevance l Expected research results and their scientific impact l Applicability and feasibility of the research results l Publishing of research results l The activity for which funding is applied for must always be described clearly

11 Others Do not forget to mention status of doctoral studies – study plan is sometimes expected Regarding research visits abroad the time and the program of the visit are to be given Regarding research work or researcher training abroad, the foreign research team is to be described Regarding international conferences, the time and place, the name of the conference, its topic, purpose, type and target group should be mentioned as well as why participation is necessary & estimated costs

12 Foundations Read instructions carefully ◦ Different foundations have different guidelines and they give funding for different purposes Get recommendation letters in good time (if needed) ◦ Research plan is needed for writing recommendation letter Good sources for funding for conference trips and grants (full-time or supporting grants) Information (in Finnish) about different foundations and their deadlines is collected in Turun yliopiston tutkimuspalveluyksikön tutkimusrahoitustiedotus, see

13 Curriculum Vitae Name Address (incl. email, telephone, fax, homepage) Personal (year of birth) Education (degrees, dates and universities, major subject) Present employment Most important posts and full-time positions ◦ Remember starting and ending dates Research interests ◦ Memberships in societies Scientific expert positions Most important scientific positions of trust Most important foreign visits Most important scientific acknowledgements and awards Appendix: publications and conference presentations ◦ Title of talk and name, place and dates of conference (mention if invited)

14 List of Publications Articles in international scientific journals with referee practice Articles in international compilation works and in international scientific conference proceedings with referee practice Articles in Finnish scientific journals with referee practice Articles in Finnish scientific compilation works and in Finnish scientific conference proceedings with referee practice Scientific monographs Other scientific publications, such as articles in scientific journals, and conference proceedings without referee practice, and publications in university and department series ◦ E.g. Reports of the department If you wish to mention submitted articles, indicate the status clearly so that they cannot be confused with real publications!!!

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