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Beginning the Research Process Presented by: Joyce Garczynski TSEM 102.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning the Research Process Presented by: Joyce Garczynski TSEM 102."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning the Research Process Presented by: Joyce Garczynski TSEM 102

2 Overview O By the end of this session, you should be able to: 1. Identify the steps in the research process 2. Define your research topic 3. Locate relevant background information 4. Locate relevant books 5. Cite your background information and books in APA style Source:

3 The Research Process Define Your Topic Conduct Background Research Brainstorm Your Search Locate Your Sources Evaluate Your Sources Write Your Paper and Cite Your Sources

4 Define Your Topic O What are “the rules” of the assignment? O What to cover? O How to cover? O Challenges of a group assignment Source: Towson University Image Gallery

5 Background Research O You can do better than Wikipedia!Wikipedia O Library Subject-Specific Encyclopedia O Sage Knowledge (social sciences) Sage Knowledge O Gale Virtual Reference Library (sciences, humanities) Gale Virtual Reference Library O What to look for: O Do I need to narrow/broaden my topic? O What are some key words that I should use in my search?

6 Finding Books O What are books anyway? O Finding books using Cook OneSearch (aka the books tab of the big yellow search box)

7 Finding Books (Continued) O Narrow results O Format O Location O Subject O Evaluate results O How to find a book in the Stacks at TU How to find a book in the Stacks at TU O How to request a book from another USM School How to request a book from another USM School

8 APA Citation O Why do we cite? O APA Style O 2 pieces to APA O In-text In-text O Reference List O Print Books Print Books O E-Books E-Books Source:

9 Practice 1. Find an article in a subject specific encyclopedia or a book on your topic 2. Go to: 3. Locate your group’s topic on the page 4. Under your topic, cite your source as you would in an APA formatted reference list

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