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Comed y. Low Comedy Farce : Slapstick comedy centered around improbable and ridiculous situations. Slapstick : form of low comedy relying on boisterous.

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Presentation on theme: "Comed y. Low Comedy Farce : Slapstick comedy centered around improbable and ridiculous situations. Slapstick : form of low comedy relying on boisterous."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comed y

2 Low Comedy Farce : Slapstick comedy centered around improbable and ridiculous situations. Slapstick : form of low comedy relying on boisterous action, horseplay, and physical pranks.

3 Low Comedy: Slapstick & Farce Charlie Chaplain: Three Stooges: The Pink Panther:

4 High Comedy: reliance on expression of ideas and criticism of social and human faults and situations. Requires more thinking by audience. Satire is a form of high comedy

5 High Comedy Mark Foire’s site comments on percieved ills of society The onion hig,18473/ Most closely associated with Ancient Greek Old Comedy. Topical: tied to specific time, place, events.

6 Stock Characters Town drunk, greedy miser, wacky neighbor, naïve immigrant, incompetent dad, the bitter in- laws… The Simpsons


8 Family Guy Some of the great sitcoms of all time use a combination of high and low comedic elements to get laughs. Hmmm… what am I forgetting??? Cheers, M*A*S*H, All in the Family, Seinfeld, I Love Lucy, Roseanne, Coach, Married with Children, The Golden Girls, Full House, Taxi, Friends, The Odd Couple, The Beverly Hillbillies, The Cosby Show, Gilligan’s Island, The Wonder Years, Welcome Back, Kotter, Newhart, Mork and Mindy, Get Smart, My Three Sons…….

9 Which of the clips watched used which of these elements and how? Physical Situational Imitation Character

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