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Creating a netdonor page Kathryn Busby The Equality Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a netdonor page Kathryn Busby The Equality Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a netdonor page Kathryn Busby The Equality Trust

2 The Equality Trust campaigns to reduce the UK income gap Established in 2009 to coincide with publication of The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson & Kate Pickett The book shows that more equal societies have better health, wellbeing & social cohesion

3 TET & netdonor We use netdonor to receive credit & debit card donations It is integrated with our website & e-activist campaign actions We plan to set up paperless direct debits with netdonor

4 Payment gateways RSM – credit / debit card donations, paperless direct debit, brand new... RBS Worldpay – single & recurring gifts for debit / credit card, best for global transactions IATS – limited to single gifts on debit / credit cards

5 Using the test mode Use the test mode to ensure everything is working properly Advocacy Online can provide dummy credit card details for testing donations

6 Building & designing a page Creating a netdonor page is very similar to creating an e-activist action... 1. Build the components 2. Design the page 3. Make it live

7 Tracking where donors come from Add tracking values to the end of your web links......and find out where your donors are coming from

8 Dynamic forms Hide & display fields for different types of card ie. Solo card payments require issue number Some fields will be invisible & only appear when needed

9 After the donation.... Direct donors straight into a campaign action after they've made their payment The form will be automatically populated with their details

10 Exporting data & reporting Choose user, transactional or hybrid data to export Export as xls or csv files Monitor tracking codes

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