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University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 CERIF-CRIS rising up the agenda in Scotland and the rest of the UK: Why now ? Anna Clements, Data Architect.

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Presentation on theme: "University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 CERIF-CRIS rising up the agenda in Scotland and the rest of the UK: Why now ? Anna Clements, Data Architect."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 CERIF-CRIS rising up the agenda in Scotland and the rest of the UK: Why now ? Anna Clements, Data Architect Alan Miller, Vice-Principal Research (-2008) Helen Reddy, Senior Research Policy Officer

2 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 Why now? The pain of RAE 2008 REF will require at least as much data collection by Universities RAE/REF determines a third of research income in UK > £1.5 billion

3 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 Researchers Recognition * Impact Research Managers Strategic Planning Reporting Requirements REF * HEFCE/SFC * HESA * RCUK But, not just for the money…

4 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 Added Benefits Collaboration Networks * Gateways * Pooling Business Engagement Knowledge Transfer * Technology Transfer Showcase Research National & International Exposure Public/Media view Expertise * Opinion HOWEVER each institution currently trying to do this with individual systems which don’t speak to each other…..

5 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 Adopt CERIF-XML as exchange format Funders * Institutions * Open Access Develop and share authoritative data sources ISI/Scopus * Author ID Implement CERIF CRISes where none exist Institution-led * What should the UK do? Follow best practice in Europe

6 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 St Andrews ResExp * Is anyone listening?

7 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 Publications Fed Out Research Information System REF, RCUK SFC, HESA HEI – Strategic Planning Public, Media Recognition / Impact Industry / SME’s Interface Collaborations Research Pools Pulled In Student Records Grants, Projects, KT Human Resources Finance Manual Input Entered Web of Science, SCOPUS, PubMed… Harvested Full Text Repository Open Access Linked

8 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009

9 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 St Andrews ResExp * Scotland Joint project Aberdeen * SFC * Planning Forum * Institutions UK HEFCE * JISC * RCUK * Institutions Is anyone listening?

10 University of St Andrews euroCRIS Athens May 2009 Saint Andrew is the patron of Patras. According to tradition his relics were moved from Patras to Constantinople, and thence to St Andrews by St Rule who was instructed in a dream to take his relics ‘to the ends of the earth’ White Cloud Max: 9°C Sunny Max: 26°C And finally … a bit of history

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