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Discernment A key spiritual practice in our lives.

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Presentation on theme: "Discernment A key spiritual practice in our lives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Discernment A key spiritual practice in our lives

2 Defining Discernment: The process for making choices in which we honestly attend to: The rational reasons – pro’s and con’s – The realm of our feelings, emotions and desires – “movements of the soul.”

3 Discernment as a life long project… “Our finite freedom can never embrace the totality of our life in one act. Thus, every decision that we make leaves room for further decisions, which, to be sure are conditioned and determined by those that have gone before.” - Karl Rahner, S.J.

4 Discernment as a life long project… exploring our experience naming its meaning living the meaning into action. From the Pocket Guide to Jesuit Education

5 How we live our lives matters. Who we become as we live our lives matters.

6 “Movements of the Soul” Interior Experience Consolation– Toward God, Spiritual Freedom Desolation – Away from God, Enslavement

7 Consolation A sense of peace, joy lightness of heart A felt sense of God’s love personally A deep longing for God Feeling consoled Increase of faith, hope, love Quiet inner rest Deep conviction Harmony & Patience Self acceptance Humbleness Transparency Trust Self – surrendering

8 Desolation A felt sense of resistance Interior disturbances and restlessness Feeling unlovable Fear & anxiety Harshly critical Judging Lack of honesty Apathy or listlessness Discouraged, despair, hopelessness A sense of false pride & wanting control, status A state of self-disgust, self-hatred Addictions, depression & repression Unwillingness to deal with the issues - avoidance

9 Discernment as Exploring Our Experience Naming its Meaning Living its Meaning into Action Openness Continual Reflection Responding in Freedom Habit

10 Discernment as Habit Openness to God A desire to surrender and receive God’s grace  An attitude of listening, attentiveness, letting go of control

11 Discernment as Habit Continual Reflection  Gathering data, understanding, reasoning and then bringing them to prayer  Noticing interior movements & how they affect us

12 Discernment as Habit Responding in Freedom Recognize and respond to the invitations Growing capacity in choices, freedom, decision, action and commitment

13 Where does this lead us? Know SelfKnow God Know Freedom

14 Birth as one example… f0NE f0NE Ql8 Ql8

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