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 Electron Configuration is the way electrons are arranged around the nucleus.

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2  Electron Configuration is the way electrons are arranged around the nucleus.

3  The location of an electron can be described by three terms: Term 1: Shell (n)

4  Indicates main energy levels n = 1, 2, 3, 4…  Each main energy level has sub-levels

5 Term 2: Subshell (sublevel) The principle quantum number, n, determines the number of sublevels within the principle energy level. Energy sub-levels: s p d f g

6  Subshell refers to the shape(s) of the area in which the electron can be located.  Also designates an energy level within the shell.



9  Orbital Quantum Number, ℓ (Angular Momentum Quantum Number)  Indicates shape of orbital sublevels ℓ = n-1 ℓ sublevel 0 s 1 p 2 d 3 f 4 g

10 Term 3: Orbital Each orbital can accommodate 2 electrons An orbital is the space where there is a high probability that it is occupied by a pair of electrons.

11  Orbitals in sub-levels: Sublevel # Orbitals # electrons s12 p36 d510 f714 g918

12  Three rules are used to build the electron configuration: Aufbau principle Pauli Exclusion Principle Hund’s Rule

13  Electrons occupy orbitals of lower energy first.

14  An orbital can hold only two electrons and they must have opposite spin.  Electron Spin Quantum Number (m s ): +1/2, -1/2  1s 

15 In a set of orbitals, the electrons will fill the orbitals in a way that would give the maximum number of parallel spins (maximum number of unpaired electrons). Analogy: Students could fill each seat of a school bus, one person at a time, before doubling up.






21  Use the last noble gas that is located in the periodic table right before the element.  Write the symbol of the noble gas in brackets.  Write the remaining configuration after the brackets.  Ex: Fluorine: [He] 2s 2 2p 5


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