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Scienze e tecniche psicologiche a.a.2011-2012 SYLLABLE STRESS.

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Presentation on theme: "Scienze e tecniche psicologiche a.a.2011-2012 SYLLABLE STRESS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scienze e tecniche psicologiche a.a.2011-2012 SYLLABLE STRESS

2 Syllables (OCD) A unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, and forming all or part of a word. eg. dog =1 syllable yesterday = 3 syllables notification = 5 syllables

3 Stressed syllables These are syllables that are said longer, louder and at a higher pitch than the other syllables MENtal inTERnal transLATE psyCHOlogy

4 Importance of stress Proper word stress often MORE IMPORTANT than accent and pronunciation. DOCtor vs docTOR FRIday vs FriDAY Over vs oVER

5 Two Word Stress Rules 1. One word has only one main stress. 2. The stressed syllable always has a vowel.

6 Consequences of 2 Rules 1 word cannot have 2 stresses. if you hear 2 stresses, you hear 2 words. eg. illiterate vs. ill literate … (It is true that there can be a "secondary" stress in some words. But a secondary stress is much smaller than the main [primary] stress, and is only used in long words.)

7 2-syllable words – 2 different stresses LA-la (high-low) … down a step  eg. suitcase project textbook sunset doctor purple la-LA (low high) … up a step eg. destroy pretend consume project tonight decide

8 Identify the syllable stress nature employ Oxford higher mistake fatigue profit

9 la-LA-la the most common stress pattern for 3-syllable words toMORRow poTAto whatEver fiNANcial perCENtage exTERnal

10 Practise the stress of 3-syllable words behaviour expresses develop awareness belonging already

11 4-syllable word stresses There are 3 main patterns: 1. LA-la-la-la 2. la-LA-la-la 3. la-la-LA-la

12 1. LA-la-la-la category arbitary delicacy eligible preferable irritable memorable testimony

13 2. la-LA-la-la preoccupied appreciate enthusiast apologize similitude economize orthography authority

14 3. la-la-LA-la variation circulation explanation elementary demonstration cafeteria idiotic adolescence

15 Some rules for stress: 2- syllable words 1. stress on first syllable i) most 2-syllable nouns eg. PRESent, EXport, CONtract, OBject ii) most 2-syllable adjectives eg. PRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy 2. stress on last syllable i) most 2-syllable verbs eg. to preSENT, to exPORT, to conTRACT, to obJECT

16 Rules for penultimate syllable stress (second from end) 1. Words ending in –ic eg. GRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, geoLOGic 2. Words ending in -sion and –tion eg. memoriZAtion, reveLAtion

17 Rules for stress on ante- preultimate syllable (third from end) 1. Words ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and – gy eg. deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogy 2. Words ending in –al eg. CRItical, geoLOGical

18 Stress rules for Compound Words 1. For compound nouns stress on the first part eg. BLACKberry, GREENhouse, OVERdose 2. For compound adjectives, stress on first part of the second part eg. bad-TEMpered, old-FASHioned 3. For compound verbs, stress on the second part eg. to underSTAND, to overDOSE

19 Dictionary help object (n) ‘ ɐ bdz ɛ kt vs. to object (v) əb’dz ɛ kt present (n.+adj.) ‘pr ɛ z(ə)nt vs. to present (v) pr ɪ ’z ɛ nt

20 And now let’s do some reading practice concentrating on word stress

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