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2nd Concertation Day 18 February 2000 The Charity Centre RSLP Collection Description.

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Presentation on theme: "2nd Concertation Day 18 February 2000 The Charity Centre RSLP Collection Description."— Presentation transcript:

1 2nd Concertation Day 18 February 2000 The Charity Centre RSLP Collection Description

2 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 2 Aims Update you on progress and solicit feedback... (Model) Schema Tool Data entry guidelines Plug any gaps in the above! Validate the schema Consider implementation issues

3 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 3 Overview of model Background eLib Collection Description work Summary of the RSLP model Relation to other work Other collection description work Dublin Core Resource Description Framework

4 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 4 Background environment Within libraries (in particular)… item level description widespread little or no collection level description existing CLD is often unstructured or semi-structured (Web pages)... …or limited to particular kinds of collections - e.g. OPACs difficult to disclose existence of collections - e.g. The Pitman Collection at Bath

5 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 5 Project aims... consistent collection description across RSLP as a whole minimise duplicated effort across RSLP develop collection descriptions that are fairly high-level fairly simple broadly aligned with similar work elsewhere (e.g. Dublin Core) demonstrate benefits of approach through a cross-RSLP search service

6 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 6 What this schema is not! NOT a replacement for existing detailed collection description formats (e.g. EAD) NOT a replacement for MARC NOT a replacement for Dublin Core clearly NOT the answer to all collection description problems!

7 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 7 eLib Collection WG October 1989 meeting ==> WG Collection Description eLib supporting study broad view of ‘collection’ simple model based on ‘collections’ and ‘services’ based on review of DC, GILS, ISAD(G), ROADS and others 22 attribute set (largely Dublin Core) no syntax some eLib deployment (Riding, AGORA)

8 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 8 RSLP Model more detailed model than the eLib one largely (though not exclusively) based on a library and archival view of ‘collection’ developed by Michael Heaney at Oxford (with funding from OCLC) is functionally concerned with finding identifying (describing sufficiently well)

9 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 9 deals with all types of material not just digital not tied to an implementation models collections and their ‘catalogues’ relationships between collections and their descriptions different kinds of descriptions Note: the schema we have developed is what the Model document calls a Unitary Finding Aid (UFA) RSLP Model (2)

10 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 10 Model (simplified view) Collection Item Content Collector Owner Producer Creator AdministratorLocation

11 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 11 What is a collection? "an aggregation of physical and/or electronic items" natural objects created objects digital objects substitutes for objects –surrogates –metadata!

12 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 12 What is a location? “the physical or digital place where a collection is held” physical location - e.g. a library or museum postal address digital location - e.g. an online service URL, Z39.50 target details,...

13 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 13 What is an agent? “a person or corporate body related to the collection or location” agents... initiate actions have rights rights are important collector, owner, contributor, administrator note: may also be what the collection is “about”

14 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 14 Owners and administrators Agents can have many roles at once Who controls access? access to location access to collection Who controls use? copyrights ownership

15 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 15 Other work... Museums Cornucopia (24-Hour museum) NPO Register of Collection Strengths and Preservation Status UK HE RDN and DNER (JISC CCC), Archive Hub Dublin Core Public libraries Futures Together, Full Disclosure, NOF

16 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 16 RSLP Schema Concerned with the description of Collections Locations Agents –collectors –owners –contributors –administrators Based on Dublin Core where possible

17 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 17 Model (simplified view) Collection Item Content Collector Owner Producer Creator AdministratorLocation

18 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 18 Collection attributes General attributes title, identifier, description, strength, physical characteristics, language, type, access control, accrual status Subject attributes concept(s), object(s), name(s), place(s), time(s) Date attributes contents date range, accumulation date range

19 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 19 Location attributes General attributes name, identifier, access conditions Location place, locator

20 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 20 Agent attributes General attributes name, organisation, phone, fax, email

21 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 21 Relation attributes Relations between collection and location hasLocation/isLocationFor Relations between collection and agent collector (creator), owner, contributor Relations between location and agent administrator Relations between collections (external) hasPart/isPartOf, hasDescription/isDescriptionOf

22 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 22 RDF representation Resource Description Framework (RDF) W3C recommendation for metadata on the Web resource discovery, content rating, e- commerce, personal profiles,... XML syntax - tagged language Dublin Core involvement but…...not huge uptake yet!

23 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 23 RDF representation (2) Simple “resource, property, value” model… …used to build complex descriptions R1 “Pitman Collection” R2 dc:title cld:hasLocation dc:title “University of Bath Library”

24 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 24 RDF representation (3) <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:dc="”> The Pitman Collection

25 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 25 Implementation issues Aim - to build a central database of RSLP collection descriptions Issues from our point of view... how to create descriptions? how to share descriptions? Issues from your point of view… integration with project?

26 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 26 Creation options use the Web-based tool centrally mounted service slow? may not integrate with workflow well? use project database (e.g. MS-Access or ROADS database) currently not possible to generate RDF from example MS-Access database use something else within project - export as RDF Issue: effort to develop mapping and conversion tools?

27 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 27 Sharing options exchange of records between projects and the central database three possible models: 1. Pull model 2. Push model 3. Centralised model

28 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 28 1. Pull model you create descriptions in RDF using one of the methods outlined you store them somewhere on your Web- site you tell us the URL of the place where you are storing them we gather them into the central database using a Web-robot easy… flexible… manual notification of updates not required

29 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 29 2. Push model You create descriptions in RDF using one of the methods outlined You store them locally You email them to us (on creation or update) We store them in the central database easy… flexible… manual notification of updates required

30 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 30 3. Centralised model You create descriptions using the Web- based tool descriptions are entered directly into the database no need to store descriptions locally at your site central development required access control and maintenance becomes harder

31 RSLP Collection Description - Feb 2000 31 Search demonstrator Central database based on one or more of the sharing options (1 and/or 2 preferred!) Searchable by collection title location name subject (topic, object, agent, place, time) type everything (full-text)! ??

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