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A non-enveloped DNA virus which infects the skin/ mucous membranes of humans.

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2 A non-enveloped DNA virus which infects the skin/ mucous membranes of humans

3  Icosahedral, non-enveloped, circular DNA  E6 and E7 proteins inactivate tumor suppressor gene (P53, RB)

4  Malignant: viral DNA integrated to host DNA  Nonmalignant: viral DNA is episomal

5  Skin contact  Sexual Contact 20 million People in America today are infected with HPV

6  100+ forms of HPV  Low Risk: cause warts on the mouth, anus, vagina, vulva, penis and thighs  High Risk: can lead to cancer of the cervix, anus, and other genital areas

7  50% of sexually active people will contract some form of the virus in their life  90% of the time the virus will go away on its own  Most don’t know they ever had HPV




11  A Pap Smear is the only way to detect cervical cancer in its early stages This is a Pap smear showing normal cervical cells. Millions of women aren’t as lucky!

12  Abstinence  Condom use  Gardasil (protects against 4 types of HPV)


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