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Neutral gas in galaxies: Synergies between ALMA and ASKAP Elaine M. Sadler.

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Presentation on theme: "Neutral gas in galaxies: Synergies between ALMA and ASKAP Elaine M. Sadler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neutral gas in galaxies: Synergies between ALMA and ASKAP Elaine M. Sadler

2 Outline of this talk Big picture questions: Gas and galaxy evolution ASKAP: Why an all-sky HI absorption survey? ALMA synergies: CO observations of an HI-selected galaxy sample at 0.5 < z < 1 Pathfinder work: An ATCA/CABB search for associated HI absorption in young radio galaxies

3 Neutral hydrogen in galaxies HI observations provide a powerful probe of the mass distribution in galaxies (dark matter) and the fuel supply available for new star formation Stellar light HI gas distribution [NGC 4631, Rand 1994]

4 Cosmic star-formation history The rate at which new stars form in galaxies has decreased by about a factor of 20 over the past 7-8 billion years (from redshift z~1 to 0). What caused this? A decline in the supply of cold neutral gas in galaxies? We don’t know! (Hopkins & Beacom 2006)

5 Neutral (atomic and molecular) hydrogen is the missing link in our current models of galaxy evolution We know almost nothing about the HI content of galaxies at 0.2<z<2. A wide range of models and simulations exist, none of which fit all the data. Unknown HI/H 2 fraction at z > 0. Cosmic HI mass density

6 Nearby Sbc spiral galaxy NGC 5055 (Wong & Blitz 2002) HI, CO and star formation in nearby galaxies

7 LJ Tacconi et al. Nature 463, 781-784 (2010) doi:10.1038/nature08773 CO in star-forming galaxies at z~1

8 (Ellison et al. 2001) Optical: Damped Ly  Absorbers DLAs: Intervening absorbers with high HI column density (N HI > 2 x 10 20 cm -2 ) can be used to detect and study neutral hydrogen in the very distant universe. Ground-based observations of the Lyman-  line are only possible at redshift z > 1.7 DLA Lyman  forest

9 Cosmic HI mass density

10 HI column density distribution Zwaan et al. (2005) Optical DLA surveys at z > 2 do not detect the highest column-density absorbers expected on ~0.1% of sightlines, and “do not trace the majority of star-forming gas in the universe” (Ledoux et al. 2003). Dust obscuration?

11 WSRT: Lane et al. 2001, targeted, z = 0.436 Radio 21cm measurements are particularly sensitive to cold HI (T S < 200K)   N HI /T s.  V for observed optical depth  Probability of intercepting a DLA system (N HI > 2 x 10 20 cm -2 ) on a random line of sight? dN/dZ=0.055 (1+z) 1.11 (Storrie-Lombardi & Wolfe 2000) i.e. ~6% for z=0.7, 300 MHz band Radio: Intervening HI absorption lines Unlike optical, no redshift limit for detecting radio 21cm absorption lines. But do need many targets, wide bandwidth

12 Team members: Currently 37 members from 18 institutions in 7 countries Elaine Sadler (Sydney, PI), James Allison (Oxford), Chris Blake (Swinburne), Joss Bland-Hawthorn (Sydney), Robert Braun (ATNF), Matthew Colless (AAO), Rob Crain (Swinburne), Scott Croom (Sydney), Darren Croton (Swinburne), Stephen Curran (UNSW), Jeremy Darling (USA), John Dickey (Tasmania), Michael Drinkwater (Qld), Ron Ekers (ATNF), Sara Ellison (Canada), Bjorn Emonts (ATNF), Ilana Feain (ATNF), Ken Freeman (ANU), Bryan Gaensler (Sydney), Dick Hunstead (Sydney), Helen Johnston (Sydney), Baerbel Koribalski (ATNF), Philip Lah (ANU), Tom Mauch (Oxford), Martin Meyer (UWA), Raffaella Morganti (Netherlands), Tom Oosterloo (Netherlands), Max Pettini (UK), Kevin Pimbblet (Monash), Michael Pracy (Swinburne), Steve Rawlings (Oxford), Tim Robishaw (Sydney), D.J. Saikia (Pune, India), Lister Staveley-Smith (UWA), Matthew Whiting (ATNF), Richard Wilman (Melbourne), Martin Zwaan (ESO) FLASH: the First Large Absorption Survey in HI Key science goals: To provide the first systematic probe of the neutral hydrogen (HI) content of individual galaxies in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 1.0 To make tests of current galaxy evolution and mass assembly models in this redshift range, using the observed and predicted distributions of quantities like HI optical depth and line width.

13 The advantages of ASKAP ASKAP’s Wide field of view Wide spectral bandwidth Radio-quiet site make it possible to carry out the first blind radio survey for HI absorption Only about 400 sightlines have so far been searched for HI absorption in the radio (roughly 200 each with single-dish (blind) and interferometer (targeted) programs). In the ASKAP-FLASH survey, we will target more than 150,000 sightlines to bright background continuum sources, an increase of more than two orders of magnitude over previous work.

14 Survey parameters FLASHWALLABY piggyback Survey area (deg 2 ) 25,000 30,000 Observing freq. (MHz)700-10001130-1430 HI redshift range0.5 <z< 1.00 <z< 0.26 Angular resol. (arcsec) 30 Spectral resol. (kHz) 18 Bandwidth (MHz) 300 Integration time per field (hr) 2 8 Total obs. time (hr) 1600 (9600) Expected detections (intervening) ~450 ~400 Cross-comparison of emission, absorption and stacking measurements at z<0.26 is a new and important aspect of the ASKAP HI surveys

15 LJ Tacconi et al. Nature 463, 781-784 (2010) doi:10.1038/nature08773 Integrated CO spectra of SF galaxies at z~1 to 2 CO spectral-line detections should require only short integration times with ALMA for HI-selected galaxies out to z=1

16 ATCA: Oosterloo et al., targeted, z = 0.01 Associated HI absorption in radio galaxies Nearby galaxy NGC 6868, continuum flux density ~120 mJy at 1.4 GHz. Associated HI absorption at or near the galaxy redshift is particularly common in compact, flat-spectrum radio galaxies (Vermeulen et al. 2003)

17 ATCA/CABB HI absorption (C2434) 17 (Orienti et al. 2006) Target sample of 60 nearby (z < 0.08) ‘young’ compact (<0.5 kpc) radio galaxies selected from the AT20G survey. 30 galaxies so far observed in HI line with ATCA/CABB (Feb and Apr 2011), analysis in progress Probe distribution and kinematics of gas in innermost regions of AGN Wideband test data for ASKAP pipeline

18 HI in PKS 1814-637 18 ATCA C2434: James Allison ATCA: Morganti et al. 2001

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