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A Pioneer’s Journey Through the 4 Cs in Mathematics Scott Heflin 8 th Grade Mathematics Mount Healthy Junior/Senior High School.

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Presentation on theme: "A Pioneer’s Journey Through the 4 Cs in Mathematics Scott Heflin 8 th Grade Mathematics Mount Healthy Junior/Senior High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Pioneer’s Journey Through the 4 Cs in Mathematics Scott Heflin 8 th Grade Mathematics Mount Healthy Junior/Senior High School

2 Where the journey started:

3 Beginning < Beginning On the right path >

4 Collaboration/ Cooperation Technology project was done in groups – OAA 8 th Grade Objective - Use symbolic algebra (equations and inequalities), graphs and tables to represent situations and solve problems Put in groups of 3 by ability (tests, grades, observations)  Roles – leader, tech specialist, recorder  Developed collaborative skills prior to the project– tangrams, equation puzzles, group quiz I attempted differentiation - students had choices both in content and final product

5 Project options 1. Compare plans from 2 different companies such as cell phone companies, car rental companies, health spas, etc. Research to find the information on different plans a.) Write an equation to represent the cost for each company. b.) Create a table show the cost for 12 values c.) Graph the values from the table on a coordinate plane with x and y-values d.) Explain which company’s plan is the best and tell what you based your decision on 2. Collect data on a topic involving 2 sets of data(see below) a.)You must have at least 12 items in the data set. b.)Organize your data in a table c.)Graph the data on a coordinate plane. d.)Write an equation from the table or the graph. e.)Describe what you found out in your data. Describe any relationship in the two sets of data and how it may be used to make predictions. 3.Choose your favorite formula a.) If the formula contains more than two variables, change all the variables except 2 to constants. Write down which 2 variables are constant (i.e. in the formula v = lwh, you can allow the width and height to remain constant by using say, w = 5 and h = 9 and v and l will be the variables). b.) Create a table of 12 values. c.) Graph the values from the table on a coordinate plane with x and y- values. d.) Describe the graph. Is it linear or non-linear, describe the shape of the graph and how it can be used to make predictions.

6 Product Criteria Card - Choices PowerPoint Presentations 1.Visually appealing 2.Pictures and words are coordinated- Labels/titles on graphs 3.Organization 4.Incorporates technological options 5.Technology works appropriately Brochure 1.Pictures relate plans 2.Attractive and neat layout - Labels/titles on graphs 3.Folded with graphs and equations on the panels 4.Clear writing highlighting important point 5.Correct spelling Create Webquest 1.Provides clear directions on information to be gathered 2.List 3 or more websites to find information 3.Details on desired final product revealed 4.Word document for directions 5.Involves graphs, tables and equations Digital Collage in Glogster 1.Frames in correct sequence 2.Tells findings in through pictures 3.Clear Writing with correct spelling- Labels/titles on graphs 4.Humor 5.Original and creative Office Documents 1.Typed report in Word with Graphs and Spreadsheet from Excel 2.Clear Writing with correct spelling 3.Organization 4.Labels/titles on graphs 5.Cite sources appropriately Video 1.Video is clear 2.Organized flow of events 3.Accurate timing 4.Voice, music, and/or sound effects are clear and understandable 5.Include graphs - Labels/titles on graphs

7 Communication Students are communicating through writing on a daily basis through the Collins Writing program – Entrance/Exit Activities Quia Website (pay site)- students can access daily assignments from anywhere and complete activities, quizzes and surveys Portaportal website (free site) has helpful sites that the students can access anywhere as a guest

8 Creativity “Create A Graph” (free site) was used to create pictures on the coordinate plane – students created the picture on paper and checked the ordered pairs by entering them in “Create A Graph” Some students used Glogster for the project and showcased their creativity in displaying their information

9 Lessons Learned in the Early Stages: Teach and Emphasize Problem-Solving - students need the ability to try working through things on their own When offering a lot of choices, be sure that students can handle the decision making process – Develop a product criteria card Edu.Glogster is not graph friendly – know the limitations of the technology offered Be flexible and ready for things not working as expected Size of the groups is important. I tried to keep them small, but ended up with more groups and I was spread too thin at times in offering help Avoid having students type in web addresses – use links on a page or a portaportal Avoid having a lot of passwords for students to remember Ideas for improvement: For major projects, create a journal/log that each group must keep to track progress and check it often Set time limits (2-4 minutes) for teacher giving help to groups - focus the questions and don’t expect the teacher to do it all More time spent developing group dynamics and collaboration Narrow topic choices, be more specific Teach/reinforce ethical and responsible use of technology before accessing it

10 Examples of student work GlogsterPower Point


12 So what did they learn? From September 2010…

13 2 nd attempt, November 2010 ….

14 And finally, January 2010….

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