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The Effect of on the Heart Rate of Daphnia magna List all team members here.

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Presentation on theme: "The Effect of on the Heart Rate of Daphnia magna List all team members here."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Effect of on the Heart Rate of Daphnia magna List all team members here

2 Our rationale for choosing this topic was?

3 Experimental Components Independent Variable- (include levels here if you had more than 1) Dependent variable- Measures of Dependent Variable Control- Controlled variables-

4 Hypothesis (State your team’s hypothesis here) We hypothesized this because…

5 Additional materials & methods our team used Be sure to describe how your team made solutions and/or exposed daphnia to the factor you chose

6 Results (Data Tables with descriptive titles go here) You may add as many slides as you need for your tables!

7 Graph (please use a descriptive title)

8 Conclusion How did your independent variable heart rates compare to your control? Was your hypothesis supported? (DO NOT USE THE WORDS: WRONG, RIGHT, PROVE, CORRECT, OR INCORRECT) Why did what happen happened?

9 If our team could do this project again we would….(to improve it)

10 The best part of this project for us was…

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