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The U.S. Presidential Elections of 1932 and 2008 The Economy and National Morale Gurtej Singh.

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Presentation on theme: "The U.S. Presidential Elections of 1932 and 2008 The Economy and National Morale Gurtej Singh."— Presentation transcript:

1 The U.S. Presidential Elections of 1932 and 2008 The Economy and National Morale Gurtej Singh

2 Context A crowd gathers on wall street after the 1929 crash. Former President George W. Bush

3 The Candidates: Herbert Hoover Incumbent President Nominated at Republican Convention on the first ballot with 98% of the vote. Wanted to stay the course Depended on volunteers to get through the Depression

4 Running Mate: Charles Curtis Served as Vice President during Herbert Hoover's first term in office Received 55% of delegate votes at Republican Convention

5 The Candidates: Franklin Roosevelt Former governor of New York Wanted extensive financial and banking reform Flew to Chicago to accept Democratic nomination in person

6 Roosevelt's Illness Roosevelt suffered from infantile paralysis in 1921 Kept his weak physical condition secret from the public One of the few pictures available of Roosevelt in a wheelchair

7 Running Mate: John Nance Garner Also known as “Cactus Jack” Originally an opponent to Roosevelt for the nomination Made a deal to be Vice- President

8 The Candidates: Barrack Obama Democratic Candidate Senator from Illinois Had a bitter primary campaign with Hillary Clinton

9 Running Mate: Joe Biden Democratic Senator from Delaware Originally ran against Obama for nomination but did not win enough primaries

10 The Candidates: John McCain Republican Candidate Senator from Arizona Previously ignored by pundits during summer of 2007 for faltering campaign

11 Running Mate: Sarah Palin Governor of Alaska Aimed to be first female Vice- President Attracted large crowds Lampooned by Tina Fey

12 Democratic Policies 1932 “competitive” tariff “sound” currency Financial and banking reform Reduction of federal spending and a balanced budget 2008 $500 tax credit to low/middle class Requiring new government spending to be paid for by revenue increases or cuts in other programs Providing other immediate tax cuts Creating a $10 billion fund to help homeowners avoid foreclosure

13 Republican Policies 1932 Minimal government involvement Sharp cutbacks in spending High tariffs Gold standard Curb immigration Participate in an international monetary conference 2008 Stopping excessive borrowing by the federal government, supplementing Social Security with personal accounts, Adding and maintaining many tax cuts Such as President Bush's tax cuts for upper- income taxpayers

14 1932 Campaign Roosevelt and Hoover traveled across the country Attempted to look like champions of common man Hoover was met with overwhelming disdain Roosevelt was embraced my large crowds

15 2008 Campaign Obama included themes of hope and change in his campaign Attracted 100,000 supporters at a rally in St. Louis, MO McCain participated in town hall meetings across the counry A handful of people became heated in their criticisms of Obama at the meetings

16 Roosevelt's Nomination

17 Hoover on the Campain Trail



20 Winners 1932 President Franklin D. Roosevelt 2008 President Barrack Hussein Obama

21 Works Cited Election of 1932.” N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.. Kangas, Steve. “Timelines of the Great Depression.” HyperHistory Online. World History Online, n.d. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.. "United States Presidential Election of 2008." Encyclopædia Britannica.Encyclopædia Britannica Online Library Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica, 2010. Web. 14 Jan. 2010. “ United States presidential election, 1932.” N.p., 2009. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.. Ydstie, John. “2008 Election Issues: Economy.” NPR. N.p., 2010. Web. 31 Jan. 2010.. Candidate-Political

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