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Think of a time when you had an accident or were with someone who had an accident… Write down something that, if you had known about it ahead of time,

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2 Think of a time when you had an accident or were with someone who had an accident… Write down something that, if you had known about it ahead of time, could have prevented the accident, or made it easier to deal with afterwards. Property of CTE Joint Venture

3 Biotech - Safety Property of CTE Joint Venture

4 1. Define regulatory acronyms relating to MSDS 2. Identify the key components of MSDS 3. Use MSDS information to identify appropriate PPE and procedures for using a given material. 4. Locate MSDS in the classroom 5. Use classroom MSDS information to write appropriate clean up procedures for a given material (including reporting where necessary). Property of CTE Joint Venture

5 Copy these 4 acronyms into your notes. Leave room to write in a definition. GHS– HCS - MSDS (SDS) – OSHA – When you see the words that match any of these acronyms, try to be the first to raise your hand and call out Bing! If you’re called on, just say which acronym you see. Property of CTE Joint Venture

6 In 1983 the Occupational Safety and Health Administration adopted rules based on employees “right to know” any hazardous substance they might be working with. Bing! OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration. - This is the main agency of the U.S. government responsible for regulating workplace safety. Property of CTE Joint Venture

7 One OSHA requirement is that users of any hazardous material maintain an Hazardous Communications System. This is a written plan explaining what hazardous things are being used, how employees are informed about them, and information for emergency responders about what materials are on site. Bing! HCS - Hazardous Communications System. -Establishes the legal requirement to inform users about any hazardous materials they might come in contact with. Property of CTE Joint Venture

8 The law requires an that as part of the HCS, Material Safety Data Sheets for all hazardous materials will be available to employees. Bing! MSDS- Material Safety Data Sheet(s). -This is a document with all the information on hazardous materials. Property of CTE Joint Venture

9 MSDS do not have one required format. Let’s look at two MSDS for the same chemical, hydrogen peroxide. Write down 3 differences you can see. Property of CTE Joint Venture

10 (Copy these questions into your notes, leaving 2 lines below for answers.) Though the information and format may vary, every MSDS should have key information that will allow you to answer these questions: What are the hazards of using this material? What PPE do I need to safely use this material? How should I clean up, and dispose of this material? How should I store this material? Property of CTE Joint Venture

11 With your partner… Use the MSDS handout to answer the Key Questions for isopropyl alcohol. Property of CTE Joint Venture 1. What are the hazards of using this material? 2. What PPE should do I need to safely use this material? 3. How should I clean up, and dispose of this material? 4. How should I store this material?

12 Body tissue irritant Slightly toxic by ingestion and inhalation Property of CTE Joint Venture

13 Splash goggles Chemical resistant gloves and apron Proper ventilation Use respirator in spill or fire situations Property of CTE Joint Venture

14 Ventilate area Clean up personnel need PPE Absorb spills and put cleaning materials in sealed containers. Property of CTE Joint Venture


16 Since MSDS don’t have a required format, why do so many of them list information in the same 16 sections ? Because many companies are already writing to align with the format of the new INTERNATIONAL system of material safety, the Globally Harmonized System. Bing ! GHS – Globally Harmonized System. - This is a voluntary worldwide system for getting all countries to use the same symbols and format for materials information. Property of CTE Joint Venture


18 Under the GHS system, what OSHA calls a MSDS is called an SDS. What do you think SDS stands for ??? SDS = Safety Data Sheet Property of CTE Joint Venture

19 GHS – HCS – MSDS (SDS) – OSHA – GHS – Global Harmonization System HCS – Hazardous Communication System MSDS (SDS) – Material Safety Data Sheet (Safety Data Sheet) OSHA – Occupational Safety and Health Administration

20 OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200, paragraph(g)(8): The employer shall maintain in the workplace copies of the required material safety data sheets for each hazardous chemical, and shall ensure that they are readily accessible during each work shift to employees when they are in their work area(s). (Electronic access, microfiche, and other alternatives to maintaining paper copies of the material safety data sheets are permitted as long as no barriers to immediate employee access in each workplace are created by such options.) So, naturally, we have MSDS in our lab for the chemicals we use here. Raise your hand if you have notice the MSDS binder. Property of CTE Joint Venture

21 Write down the location of the MSDS information in your notebook now. Property of CTE Joint Venture

22 Go to your assigned lab station. Put the names of all of your team mates on the Closure Form you will find there. As a group, use what you know about MSDSs and the model MSDS you have for isopropyl alcohol to write a rough MSDS for water. Be ready to turn in your sheet by the end of class. Property of CTE Joint Venture

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