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1 NCLB Title Program Monitoring NCLB Title Program Monitoring Regional Training SPRING 2006.

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1 1 NCLB Title Program Monitoring NCLB Title Program Monitoring Regional Training SPRING 2006

2 2 What is Monitoring? Programmatic and financial aspects of a grant are reviewed by collecting and assessing information from –  CIP/Budget Narrative  Reports  Audits  Site Visits  Other Sources

3 3 Why is ODE monitoring NCLB Programs? State Educational Agencies (SEA) must monitor sub grant supported activities to assure –  Compliance with applicable Federal requirements

4 4 How will ODE select LEAs for Monitoring? All districts will be monitored as part of a 6 year cycle

5 5 Other ways ODE will select LEAs for Monitoring  Districts may be selected for monitoring outside of the regularly scheduled cycle if the risk factors indicate a special need.

6 6 Risk Indicators/Factors:  History of unsatisfactory performance  Spending patterns  History of carryover requests  Results of A133 audits  CIP/Budget Narrative

7 7 How will districts be notified?  LEAs will receive a general notification letter in May  A list of LEAs will be posted to the ODE website on July 1 st  Letters with specific monitoring information will be sent to district superintendent in August

8 8 ODE will utilize 2 types of monitoring: 1) Desk Self Audits 2) Onsite review

9 9 Desk Self Audit: 1. District will analyze program compliance using desk self audit tool 2. District will submit the requested documents for review by ODE specialists 3. If revisions are necessary, an ODE specialist will contact the district to provide assistance 4. Additional follow-up may include a conference call or onsite review.

10 10 Onsite Monitoring

11 11 How will we be notified about an onsite review?  A letter will be sent to the superintendent in May  Follow-up letter sent in August with more specific information.  ODE Lead will contact the district confirming the dates and establishing a tentative schedule.

12 12 ODE assistance for onsite monitoring visit:  ODE Lead coordinating the visit  Agreed upon dates & times  NCLB programs chosen for review

13 13 ODE assistance (continued)  The onsite visit can be flexible to accommodate staff, parent and student schedules  The Toolkit is also available on the ODE website

14 14 ODE assistance (continued) The NCLB Title Onsite Monitoring Tool includes:  Items: Federal requirements  Suggested supporting documentation aligned to requirements

15 15 How long will the onsite review last?  The review will last one to three days for most LEAs.  Larger LEAs - review could be more than three days.  The sample schedule will help you envision the actual review.

16 16 Onsite Monitoring Preparation: 1. District will analyze program compliance using Onsite Monitoring Tool 2. District will submit the requested documents for review by ODE specialists prior to the onsite visit

17 17 What will happen during the onsite review ? The ODE team will conduct interviews and review documentation when appropriate from –  District representative  NCLB program contacts  NCLB program staff  Classroom observations  Parents  Teachers/Paraprofessionals  Students

18 18 What will happen after the onsite monitoring review?  District will be notified within 30 business days by mail regarding findings, recommendation and/or commendations.

19 19 What will happen next (continued…)  If findings are cited, corrective action steps will be outlined for the district.  District will be required to submit a written response regarding the findings within 30 business days of receiving the written report.

20 20 What will happen next (continued…)  If recommendations are cited, no formal actions will be required  District completes corrective action  ODE notifies district in writing if in compliance or if further action needed

21 21 ODE will determine the programs identified for review. NCLB programs may include:  Title I Part A Improving The Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged Title I Part C Education of Migratory Children  Title I Part D Neglected or Delinquent  Title II Part A Preparing, Training, & Recruiting High Quality Teachers & Principals

22 22 NCLB programs may include [continued]  Title II Part D Enhancing Education Through Technology Title III Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient and Immigrant Students  Title IV Part A Safe & Drug Free Schools and Communities  Title V Part A Innovative Programs  Title X Homeless Education

23 23 NCLB Monitoring Toolkit A Walk Through

24 24 Walk through [continued] Federal ‘Items’  The statutory requirements for the various Federal Title programs are quite extensive.

25 25 Supporting documentation…  District Continuous Improvement Plan  Needs assessment processes and results  Parent policies, notification letters, school- parent compacts, activity sign-up sheets  Verification of compliance regarding staff highly qualified requirements  Time and effort logs

26 26 What if I have questions? The ODE website –  List of potential districts to be reviewed  NCLB Monitoring Toolkit can be found at: id=93. id=93 id=93

27 27 What If I have questions?  Please contact the ODE Lead assigned to the review.  E-mail addresses, telephone & fax numbers of various NCLB staff can be found through the ODE website.

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