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The Pantheon in Rome By Walt Fortney. The Pantheon in Rome Background and First Build The pantheon was built three times in the same place. Built in Rome.

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Presentation on theme: "The Pantheon in Rome By Walt Fortney. The Pantheon in Rome Background and First Build The pantheon was built three times in the same place. Built in Rome."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Pantheon in Rome By Walt Fortney

2 The Pantheon in Rome Background and First Build The pantheon was built three times in the same place. Built in Rome The first one was built from 27-25 B.C.E. by Roman General Marcus Agrippa, the Son-in-Law of Augustus. It was built to honor the gods Mars and Venus It burned down in 80 A.D.

3 The Pantheon in Rome Second Build It was built back again a second time right after it burned down. In about 110 A.D. it was stuck by lighting and burned down a second time

4 The Pantheon in Rome Built a Third Time The Pantheon was built a third time from 118-125 A.D. Ordered by Emperor Hadrian Built in a completely different design Circular It still stands almost fully intact today

5 The Pantheon in Rome Building Time The first time it was built, it took the Romans aproximatley two years to complete. The second time, it took about the same. The third time, since they did so many renovations with a completely different design, it took seven years.

6 The Pantheon in Rome The Purpose The Pantheon was used primarily as a temple The temple worshipped all the gods

7 The Pantheon in Rome Uniqueness It was one of the first concrete domes like that. There was a hold on the middle of the dome known as the cupola, which was meant for the gods to enter through. It is a mystery to why the dome is still standing due to the fact that it was built on marshy ground, spans of 100 feet, and has been there for thousands of years.

8 The Pantheon in Rome Building Materials and Styles They used a mixture of Lime and Volcanic Ash They used concrete to build the dome They used the styles of the Roman architect Vitruvius

9 The Pantheon in Rome Ancient Foresight There are no building exactly like the Pantheon. The Pantheon still exists today and is not one of the 7 Wonders of The Ancient World.



12 Bibliography rome-126-ad

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