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Harwood Untitled Beginnings Import working on Computers. RELATIONSHIPS RELEVANCE RIGOR.

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1 Harwood Untitled Beginnings Import working on Computers. RELATIONSHIPS RELEVANCE RIGOR

2 The H.U.B. is a learning pathway designed for high school students who want to succeed in school, but who are looking for a more personal approach to learning.

3 The program is ideally suited students who seek a unique, interest-based learning experience that combine academics with a community partnered internship.

4 Typical week at the H.U.B. Monday, Wednesday,& Friday  Standard-based workshops  Science (1 credit)  English (1 credit)  History (1credit)  Career (.5 credit)  Physical Adventures/ Outdoor education w/travel opportunities twice a year (.5 credit)  Current Events/Teen Explorations (1 credit)  Traditional HUHS Math class (1 credit)  H.U.B. Advisory 101,201,&301(1credit)  Individual Work Time (IWT)  Time for working on Learning Plans and Project-based learning activities  Service-learning  A time for a advisory groups to collaborate with local organizations to work together on important community issues.

5 Typical week at the H.U.B. cont.… Tuesday & Thursday Students attend:  Community- Based internships  Traditional HUHS math class with added support  HUHS elective classes  Advisors do site visits with mentors at the internship sites to assess overall learning and growth.

6 Authentic Assessment Learning Plans & Exhibitions of Learning Unique to each student School and the “real world” working together, not separate!  Learning Plan: at the beginning of every quarter, students create a Vermont standards-aligned LP unique to skills, goals, interests and passions.  Exhibition of Learning : at the end of each quarter students complete an EOL to a panel.

7 Learning Plans (LP) At the beginning of each quarter students are asked to create the following: LP Framework A living document outlining all aspects of the student’s quarterly work to include evidence, Harwood Graduate Expectations (HGE), Big Picture Learning Goals, and Vermont State Standards LP Cover Sheet 3-5 Essential Questions/Learning Outcomes Evidence/Project/Artifacts Harwood Graduate Expectations/Learning Goals Learning Through Internship (LTI) Goals LP Worksheet Essential Questions/Learning Outcomes/Desired Results Rationale Assessment (Evidence/Artifacts & Evaluation of Quality) Process (Experiential & Referential) Learning Goals/Harwood Graduate Expectations



10 Learning Through Internship (LTI) Big Picture Learning: Advisory Book 101 pg, 11

11 Glossary  HUB – Harwood Untitled Beginning  LP – Learning Plan  LTI – Learning through Internship  EOL – Exhibitions of Learning  HGE – Harwood Graduate Expectations  GE – Vermont Grade Expectations  BPLG – Big Picture Learning Goals  ER Empirical Reasoning/Science  QR Quantitative Reasoning/Math  CO Communication/English  SR Social Reasoning/History  PQ Personal Qualities/Vital Results  Advisor – teacher  Mentor – community partner/host

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