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UNIT TITLE—_Geographical Themes_in West Virginia History Chapter 1 pages 2-22 from text book:West Virginia the History of an American State By Vicki Wood.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT TITLE—_Geographical Themes_in West Virginia History Chapter 1 pages 2-22 from text book:West Virginia the History of an American State By Vicki Wood."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT TITLE—_Geographical Themes_in West Virginia History Chapter 1 pages 2-22 from text book:West Virginia the History of an American State By Vicki Wood Unit Objectives: As a result of this unit, the students will KNOW: Checking for previous knowledge Basic Skills: North, South, East, West,latitude, longitude,realitive location, absolute location. As a result of this lesson students will UNDERSTAND why West Virginia is called all most heaven. Why is it said West Virginia is almost heaven. The natural beauty of West Virginia. Mountains, Rivers,Streams, and x As a result of this unit, the student will be able to DO: Use longitude and latitude to find specific locations on a map. Instructional Strategies Used in this Unit + are strategies that are being used. +Collaborative Groups +Lecture  Writing Across Curriculum +Reading in Content Areas  Multicultural  Other_________________ __________________ Teacher: Donna Love Beverly Hills Middle School Huntington, WV 25705 LFS  Graphic Organizer +Foldable  KWL  Frayer  Ticket-out  Other____________ ___________________ DI  RAFT  Think-Tac-Toe  Cubing/Think Dots  Choice Board  Exit Cards  Tiering +Other_____________ Technology  Virtual Wht. Bd. +Power Point  Internet Activity  Podcast  Wiki  Blog  Other___________ _

2 Unit Overview Lesson EQs Whole Class Differentiated Day One: Where am I ? The whole Class Projected Lesson Duration One class room period

3 Acquisition Lesson Planning Form-- Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill --- Not for the Day Where am I? Locate where each student is by longitude and latitude lines. I use this in the beginning of the year. It is to seat students, find out who is in the class and get computer address, telephone numbers. Have the students aware of who is in their class. Who will be their study-buddy that will help if the student is absent. The activity is also to review the idea of longitude and latitude, North, South, East & West. Students sit in their seat in their row. Each row is numbered from north to south and the other letters are for east to west. One piece of colored yarn is used from the sections north to south and another color yarn is used from sections east to west. This will create a class map. The yarn will separate students within the grid. Example North to south would be black showing the longitude lines. The students will pass red yarn creating a latitude lines creating lines going from east to west. Teacher numbers and letters will be made to give the co-ordinates in which the students list. Example A-E longitude and 1-5 latitude. Students will then be responsible for locating three students and write down their co- ordinates. Students will be able to tell where students are sitting. Teacher will call out numbers and letters and the student that sits in that co-ordinate will stand up. This will show where the student is sitting. E ssential Question: A ctivating Strategy: T eaching Strategies: Differentiated Instruction: S ummarizing Strategies:

4 Unit Title ______________________ CSO Addressed: SS. O. 08.04.01 SS.O. 08.04.02 SS. O.08. 04.03 TEACHER NOTES/ REFLECTIONS This first day’s project is good for students and teachers. It enables teachers to get an idea of the limitations & strength of the students. If a child doesn’t know the directions N,S,E, & W this student will have a great deal of difficulty working with maps. This also permits the students to know who is in their class for further information. It permits the students to show what they know on very basic information before they work with West Virginia Maps. We will work with this information to find different West Virginia areas, Location of largest 10 cities and the location of state & national forests are located, being able to locate where the mountains are located.

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