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Web, Nonstore-Based, and Other Forms of Nontraditional Retailing

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1 Web, Nonstore-Based, and Other Forms of Nontraditional Retailing
Chapter 6 Web, Nonstore-Based, and Other Forms of Nontraditional Retailing RETAIL MANAGEMENT: A STRATEGIC APPROACH, 10th Edition BERMAN EVANS

2 Chapter Objectives To contrast single-channel and multi-channel retailing To look at the characteristics of the three major retail institutions involved with nonstore-based strategy mixes: direct marketing, direct selling, and vending machines – with an emphasis on direct marketing

3 Chapter Objectives (cont.)
To explore the emergence of electronic retailing through the World Wide Web To discuss two other nontraditional forms of retailing: video kiosks and airport retailing

4 Figure 6-1a: Approaches to Retailing Channels

5 Figure 6-1b: Approaches to Retailing Channels

6 Direct Marketing France Italy
Customer is first exposed to a good or service through a nonpersonal medium and then orders by mail, phone, fax, or computer (Direct mail, Tv, radio, Magazine, News paper) Annual U.S. sales exceed $300 billion Other leading countries include Japan Germany Great Britain France Italy

7 Characteristics of Direct Marketing Customers
Married Upper middle class 35-50 years old Desire convenience, unique items, good prices gifts ,food, books,

8 Strategic Business Advantages of Direct Marketing
Reduced costs Lower prices Large geographic coverage Convenient to customers Ability to eliminate sales tax for some

9 Strategic Business Limitations of Direct Marketing
Products cannot be examined prior to purchase Costs may be underestimated Response rates to catalogs under 10% Long lead time required Industry reputation sometimes negative

10 Data-Base Retailing: Key to Success Direct marketing
Collection, storage, and usage of relevant customer information name address background shopping interests purchase behavior

11 Emerging Trends Evolving activities (Technology ,using Multi channel retailing, Data base focusing ) Changing customer lifestyles (worker women no time) Increasing competition ( Decreasing costs) Increasing usage of dual distribution channels Changing media roles, technological advances, and global penetration (Catalogues & TV)

12 Figure 6-4: Executing a Direct Marketing Strategy

13 Figure 6-4: Executing a Direct Marketing Strategy
Business definition : Pure direct marketing or in multi-channel retailing, General products or specific products Generating customers: 1. buying a list name of customers , download this list, send out a blind mail for all . 2. Advertise in magazine, news paper ask to order through ,phone or fax 3. Contact consumers who have bought from the firm Media Selection ( Catalogue ,direct mail, magazine ,news paper) Presenting Massage: ( Includes reason of buying, data of goods & services, price, address, phone number) Customer contact: regular, nonregular or new Customers response: ( Mail, Phone ,and fax), request more information ask for catalogue, ignore massage 2 to 3% who buy by this way Order fulfillment

14 Outcome Measures Overall Response Rate Average Purchase Amount
Sales Volume by Product Category Value of List Brokers

15 Direct Selling & Vending Machine
Direct Selling: Includes both personal contact with consumers in their homes and offices, and phone solicitations initiated by retailers. Vending machine : Is a cash or a card retailing format that dispense goods and services

16 World Wide Web (WWW) Electronic Retailing
Is one way to access information on the internet The Role of the Web Project a retail presence Enhance image Generate sales Reach geographically-dispersed customers Provide information to customers Promote new products Demonstrate new product benefits

17 The Role of the Web (cont.)
Provide customer service (e.g., ) Be more “personal” with consumers Conduct a retail business efficiently Obtain customer feedback Promote special offers Describe employment opportunities Present information to potential investors, franchisees, and the media

18 Figure 6-8: Five Stages of Developing a Retail Web Presence
1. Brochure Web Site: small budget ,few products 2. Commerce Web Site: Full scale selling with customers service 3. Integrated Web Site: with inventory ,accounting system 4. The ‘Webified’ Store: Network system helps in selling nonstore items 5. Site Integrated with Manufacturer Systems: Combine with all information's

19 Web Strengths Using the Web information entertainment
interactive communications Shopping Online selection prices convenience fun

20 Reasons NOT to Shop Online
Trust Fear Lack of security Lack of personal communication

21 Recommendations for Web Retailers
Develop or exploit a well-known, trustworthy retailer name Tailor the product assortment for Web shoppers Enable the shopper to click as little as possible Provide a solid search engine Use customer information

22 Features of Airport Retailing
Large group of prospective shoppers Captive audience Strong sales per square foot of retail space Strong sales of gift and travel items Longer operating hours Duty-free shopping possible

23 Figure 6-13: Airport Retailing and Borders

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