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1 1 Linked Open Innsbruck STI Innsbruck

2 2 Linked Open Innsbruck (LOI) aims at the publication and usage of data sets related to Innsbruck and Tyrol as Linked Data. Being a common good, this open data can then be used and combined in order to build complex applications. This will enable access, novel use, and new business models. Mission 2

3 3 3 Evolution of the Web: The Origins Hypertext Hypermedia Web Web of Data Semantic Web Picture from [3] ? Picture from [4] “As We May Think”, 1945 Semantic Annotations

4 4 4 Motivation: From a Web of Documents to a Web of Data Web of DocumentsWeb of Data “Documents” “Things” Hyperlinks Typed Links

5 5 5 LOD Cloud May 2007 Figure from [4]

6 6 6 LOD Cloud May 2007 Figure from [4] Basics: The Linked Open Data cloud is an interconnected set of datasets all of which were published and interlinked following the Linked Data principles. Facts: Focal points: DBPedia: RDFized vesion of Wikipiedia; many ingoing and outgoing links Music-related datasets Big datasets include FOAF, US Census data Size approx. 1 billion triples, 250k links

7 7 7 LOD Cloud September 2008 Figure from [4]

8 8 8 LOD Cloud September 2008 Figure from [4] Facts: More than 35 datasets interlinked Commercial players joined the cloud, e.g., BBC Companies began to publish and host dataset, e.g. OpenLink, Talis, or Garlik. Size approx. 2 billion triples, 3 million links

9 9 9 LOD Cloud March 2009 Figure from [4]

10 10 LOD Cloud March 2009 Figure from [4] Facts: Big part from Linking Open Drug cloud and the BIO2RDF project (bottom) Notable new datasets: Freebase, OpenCalais, ACM/IEEE Size > 10 billion triples

11 11 Governmental Linked Open Data = Open Government + Linked Data Open Government 1.increase citizen involvement 2.encourage the creation of new knowledge, services, social innovation and innovative business models Linked Data (technology enabler) 1.public data is not enough, must have integration, in order to facilitate the reuse 2.a single figure alone is of little value, its value increases because of its interconnections

12 12 News @ March 10, 2011 12

13 13 News @ March 10, 2011 13

14 14 Example 1 Research Funding Explorer –View information on investments in research and results Developed by Talis –

15 15 Example 2 UK Dentists –View information about the dentists on the iPhone –Developed by an SME –

16 16 Tyrol: data sets Google Places Open Streetmap Databases of government –TIRIS –DVT Tourism & Ticketing association IVB (busses and trams) OEBB (trains) Ärztekammer Supermarket chains: listing of products Hofer and similar: weekly offers ASFINAG: Traffic/Congestion data Herold (yellow pages) City archive Museums/Zoo News sources like TT (Tyrol's major daily newspaper) Statistik Austria Innsbruck Airport (travel times, airline schedules) ZAMG (Weather) University of Innsbruck (Curricula, student statistics, study possibilities) IKB (electricity, water consumption) Entertainment facilities (Stadtcafe, Cinema...) Special offers (Groupon)

17 17 Tyrolean scenario: product and service search Location-based product and service search Tourists who don't the city very well Input: shopping lists, required products or services Output: recommendation of shops depending on various constraints (opening hours, etc.) Possible data sets: –Shops and product lists and opening hours –Public transport –Season (winter or summer) –Time of day –Weather –Traffic information –Restaurants + menus –Various governmental data –Special offers

18 18 Tyrolean scenario: Linked e-Tourism Find recommendations for activities (outdoors, culture, entertainment, sightseeing, etc.) The user can get –Price information –Information about public transport –Reviews and ratings –Weather information etc. Possible data sets –Tourism association –Hotels and restaurants –Museum –Public transport –Weather –Traffic –Reviews from TripAdvisor –Google places –... 18

19 19 References Tom Heath and Christian Bizer (2011) Linked Data: Evolving the Web into a Global Data Space (1st edition). Synthesis Lectures on the Semantic Web: Theory and Technology, 1:1, 1-136. Morgan & Claypool.

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