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Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets 13 March 2012 Presented by: Mrs Ntombi Msimang Mr Tshililo Ramabulana Mrs.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets 13 March 2012 Presented by: Mrs Ntombi Msimang Mr Tshililo Ramabulana Mrs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets 13 March 2012 Presented by: Mrs Ntombi Msimang Mr Tshililo Ramabulana Mrs Sarah Muvhulawa Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets

2 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets Vision  Collaborating effectively and regularly with all stakeholders so as to inform the mandate of DAFF timeously on the strategic positioning of South African Agriculture. Values  To be accountable.  To act with integrity.  To value individual performance.  To value personal respect and equal treatment.  To act in partnership with stakeholders.

3 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets Marketing of Agricultural Products Act (MAPA) The NAMC was established in terms of section 3 and 4 of the Marketing of Agricultural Products Act, No. 47 of 1996 (herein referred to as the MAPA) as amended by Act No.59 of 1997 and Act No. 52 of 2001. The goal of the NAMC is to promote the achievement of the objectives of the MAPA, which are to:  Increase market access for all market participants.  Promote the efficient marketing of agricultural products.  Optimise export earnings from agricultural products and  Enhance the viability of the agricultural sector.

4 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets Council Members Ms Ntombi Msimang (Chairperson) Mr Lawrence Maduma (Vice Chairperson), Mrs Marie van der Merwe Mr Andre Young Ms Thamsanqa Zimu Dr John Purchase Ms Mina Gill Mr Andries Cronje Mr Stuart Symington Dr Litha Magingxa 4 Human Resources & Remuneration Committee Mr Andre Young (Chairperson) Mrs Marie van der Merwe Ms Mina Gill Audit and Risk Management Committee Mr Paul Slack (Chairperson) Mrs Thebe Moja Mr Raymond Matlou Mr Stuart Symington Dr Litha Magingxa Crop Estimate Liaison Committee Chairperson: Dr John Purchase

5 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets Council Committees Council committees are established to assist the Council in its deliberations, these include all submissions to the Minister, finances, issues of strategic direction and any major acquisition  Audit and Risk Committee  Monitor effectiveness of internal control systems, reviews annual reports and financial statements.  Provides independent review of our internal controls to ensure NAMC is compliant with industry norms.  Ensure risks associated with delivering NAMC mandate are identified and mitigating strategies are developed henceforth.  Human Resources and Remunerations Committee  Oversees senior management performance, remuneration and succession planning.  Ensure that HR policies and practices are in line and aligned to legislation and standards.

6 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets Continues....  Management Committee  Handles day-to-day management of NAMC  Implements decisions taken by Council  Crop Estimate Liaison Committee (CELC)  NAMC chairs the CELC  Understanding the needs of the grain industry, able to provide substantiated and capable advice to the Minister

7 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets  Integrating Black Farmers  Marketing schemes in identified products  Targeted training programmes  Give farmers a greater share of the profit from the sale of the products  Technical production support through CASP, MAFISA and Extension  Favorable finance mechanisms  Transform industry trust and levy administration institutions  Fairness to all producer segments  Responsiveness to industry challenges  Focus on long term strategic planning  Good financial management  Education sessions for all trustees on roles and responsibilities  Clear communication strategy with grassroots  Succession planning (empowerment) 7 Key Challenges

8 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets  Market development  Trade administration  Scenario planning on the impact of climate change on trade  Brics  Trade intelligence  Promotions 8 Key Challenges

9 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets Statutory Measures

10 Strategic positioning of South African agriculture in dynamic global markets Overview  Statutory Measure investigation  Management of CELC  Registration of DAG’s  Annual report on Statutory measures performance information and financial information

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