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The Development of electronic Government in Agricultural Sectors Kasetsart University e-Agriculture With association to Ministry of Information and Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "The Development of electronic Government in Agricultural Sectors Kasetsart University e-Agriculture With association to Ministry of Information and Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Development of electronic Government in Agricultural Sectors Kasetsart University e-Agriculture With association to Ministry of Information and Communication Technology


3 OBJECTIVES To access agricultural news and information equally. Support Information and Communication Technology knowledge to agriculturist for update useful agriculture information. Stage for using Information and Communication Technology to exchange agricultural experience. Create and Integrate database concerning with agriculture agencies of Khonkaen province. Let Thailand has the prototype of e-Services and enhance through the country in the near future.

4 OPERATING AREA Khonkaen province is the pilot area. Prototype province of ICT city. Important project, such as, I- Community & Community CIO etc. To create a new idea from the previous knowledge base.


6 Community Information Need Requirements Agricultural Groups Surveying Questionnaires Design for Information Need Assessment Collecting data from Questionnaires Focus Groups Analysis and Evaluation

7 Research Concept Agriculturalist Input Information and Technology Impact and Potential User Access Information Need Need Assessment Analysis Information from Analytical Review Web Portal

8 OPERATION PROCESS 1. Surveying data for Community enterprises and Networks and Agricultural groups in Khonkaen Province. 2.Surveying information needs assessment from agricultural groups in these items, such as, Agricultural products, Crops, Fisheries, Preservated agricultural products to evaluate all their needs. 3.To correct and grouping all agricultural data include the way of agricultural process, production process, factors and technologies.

9 4. To design and develop prototype of web portal for correcting many databases that serve agriculturer needs in this website. And to be the Data Center which many people search for all knowledge about agriculture to live up their lives. 5. Training how to use computer and internet include project website to agricultural groups and project operating officer. 6. To invite many experts from National Informatics Center, India come to joy, study and learn for suggestion in this project. 7.To present the project to private sectors, private development organizations, experts from many countries. OPERATION PROCESS (cont.)

10 Provincial Government Office in Agriculture  Questionnaires from provincial government office in agriculture for agricultural groups in Khon Kaen  3.1.1 Khonkaen Agricultural Extension Office  3.1.2 Khonkaen Provincial Cooperative Office  3.1.3 Khonkaen Livestock Office  3.1.4 Khonkaen Agricultural Land Reform Office  3.1.5 Khonkaen Fisheries Office  3.1.6 Khonkaen Community Development Office  3.1.7 Khonkaen Irrigation Project  3.1.8 Khonkaen Land Development station  3.1.9 Khonkaen Domestic Trade Office  3.1.10 Khonkaen Office of Commerce Affair  3.1.11 Khonkaen Internal Trade Office  3.1.12 Khonkaen Agricultural & Co-Operatives Office  3.1.13 Khonkaen Branch of Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives  3.1.14 Office of Agricultural Research and Development

11 Summary survey of Agriculturer Groups  Primary survey of agriculturer groups to join in this project  3.2.1 SMCE (small and micro community enterprise) 238 Groups  3.2.2 Agriculturer Cooperative 30 Groups  3.2.3 Livestock Groups 3 Groups  3.2.4 Fisheries Groups 5 Groups  3.2.5 SMCE in Land Reform 12 Groups  3.2.6 OTOP or Agriculture Products 28 Groups  3.2.7 Water Management 2 Groups Total 318 Groups

12 WEB PORTAL Concept Design Static Content Dynamic Content TECHNOLOGY CMS (Content Management System) XML (eXtensible Markup Language)


14 TECHNOLOGY (cont.) RSS (Really Simple Syndication) or Rich Site Summary Forum or Web Board (Knowledge Management System)


16 TECHNOLOGY (cont.) Content Counter or Content Rating e-Market (Shopping Online) GIS (Geographic Information System) Flash Streaming

17 TECHNOLOGY (cont.)


19 DOMAIN NAME http://www.eKaset.Net http://www.e-Kaset.Net


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