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 The Body Shop International is the original, natural and ethical beauty brand, with over 2,500 stores in over 60 markets worldwide.  The very first.

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Presentation on theme: " The Body Shop International is the original, natural and ethical beauty brand, with over 2,500 stores in over 60 markets worldwide.  The very first."— Presentation transcript:


2  The Body Shop International is the original, natural and ethical beauty brand, with over 2,500 stores in over 60 markets worldwide.  The very first The Body Shop® store opens on 26th March 1976 in Brighton, on the south coast of England. The Body Shop continues to increase its positive environmental practices.  In 1997, The Body Shop is the first international cosmetics company to sign up to the Humane Cosmetics Standard, supported by leading international animal protection groups.

3  Product The company “body shop” sells organically grown body products, for the consumer who likes to take care of him of herself. We are talking about so-called convenience goods with a short durability at relatively low prices.  Price The Body Shops’ prices are medium. It also based on where you by them or what you buy. The products are comparatively cheap which means that many can afford them.  Place The body shop has sub ranch all over the world. All the shops are run on a franchising basis. They use a mixture between intensive and selective distribution.  Promotion The company is against promotion, so they don’t do business by promoting, but they have their own internet site, where you can see their selection of products. Anita Roddick doesn’t advertise but she has been good at giving herself a free plug, by showing that their products are organically grown and that they are against animal testing. So the company supports animal and human rights, and the economically climate. Dame Anita Roddick. Human Rights Activist Founder of The Body Shop

4  The Body Shop mission statement states that “we will operate our business with a strong commitment to the well being of our fellow humans and the preservation of the planet.”

5  Business ethics as the principles and standards that determine acceptable conduct in business organizations.  Social responsibility as a business’ obligation to maximize its positive impact and minimize its negative impact on society.  Although many people use the terms social responsibility and ethics interchangeably, they do not mean the same thing.  Business ethics relates to an individual’s or a work group’s decisions that society evaluates as right or wrong, whereas social responsibility is a broader concept that concerns the impact of the entire business’s activities on society.

6  Employment is freely chosen  Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected  Working conditions are safe and hygienic  Child labor shall not be used  Living wages are paid  Working hours are not excessive  No discrimination is practiced  Regular employment is provided  No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed

7  Advantages Consumers often associate company ethics with brand quality. A company with a higher ethical standard tends to have a better public perception, and employees may be more likely to follow management's ethical guidelines themselves. Public demand for ethics has resulted in laws against child labor and unsafe working conditions.  Disadvantages One major problem with a code of conduct is that it needs to take subjective ideals and make them objective. The ability to make decisions based on the available information is a manager's best quality. A code of conduct replaces that ability with a set of rules. A code of conduct needs to be routinely enforced in order to be effective. In order to apply to everyone, a code of conduct needs to be vague. This means that the individual rules tend to be up to managerial interpretation.  Advantages Consumers often associate company ethics with brand quality. A company with a higher ethical standard tends to have a better public perception, and employees may be more likely to follow management's ethical guidelines themselves. Public demand for ethics has resulted in laws against child labor and unsafe working conditions.  Disadvantages One major problem with a code of conduct is that it needs to take subjective ideals and make them objective. The ability to make decisions based on the available information is a manager's best quality. A code of conduct replaces that ability with a set of rules. A code of conduct needs to be routinely enforced in order to be effective. In order to apply to everyone, a code of conduct needs to be vague. This means that the individual rules tend to be up to managerial interpretation.

8  The Body Shop always been passionately against animal testing. They had never tested their products on animals. This means you can be sure that their products have not been tested on animals for cosmetic reasons. The body shop comply with the very strict requirements of the Humane Cosmetics Standard. This standard was set by the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) and is regarded as the highest standard for animal welfare in the cosmetics industry.  Every two years they check their policies and compliances to ensure they’re adhering to the latest animal-welfare guidelines.

9  SUPPORT Community Fair Trade  The body shop source some of the finest raw ingredients from the four corners of the globe. They harness the skills of artisan farmers and add our expertise to create effective products that are wonderful to use. We have 25 Community Fair Trade suppliers and we will be featuring more and more of them on this map in the coming months.

10  Economic  In the last 2 years their spend on community fair trade ingredients, gifts and accessories has risen to £8.9m.  They pay large sums of money to against animal testing and follow the latest standards.  Legal  The body shop prevent the right and ensure a safe work conditions of their employees.  They obey the law of protecting animals.  Ethical  Their basic aim is to source as much as they can from small, local and community groups, especially in developing countries.  They promised never use animal testing.

11   conduct.html conduct.html  58/ferrell7e_chapter2.pdf 58/ferrell7e_chapter2.pdf    spx spx  values_report.pdf values_report.pdf


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