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Virginia Department for the Aging Area Plan Program Section Training FY2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Department for the Aging Area Plan Program Section Training FY2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Department for the Aging Area Plan Program Section Training FY2008

2 Things You Need to Know When Preparing and Administering Your Area Plan

3 Services To Be Provided You must check each service if you provide it – regardless of the funding source.

4 Area Plan Review Check Sheet for FY 2006 These are the things the Program Staff review.

5 Service Page We make sure it complies with Service Standards, Title III Regs, and OAA.

6 Service Implementation Description of services provided and how services are delivered VDA and Agency assessment instruments utilized Compliance with service standard

7 Target Population Expand to the specific target population that your program serves, if appropriate –Low income minority –Socially isolated –Rural –Limited English proficiency –Caregivers (IIIE)

8 Service Page Make sure the entire PSA has service coverage available. List anyone that provides this service (either the AAA or a contractor).

9 Designator for Profit / Not for Profit Per the OAA, VDA has to approve for profit service providers.

10 Targeting Objectives Do not cut and paste information from last year.

11 Targeting Objectives Total must be the sum of White, American Indian/Native, Asian, Black/African American, and Other.

12 Targeting Objectives Adult Day Care

13 Waivers and Cost Sharing/Fee for Service If a waiver or cost sharing is applicable to the service, this section will be provided.

14 Waivers and Cost Sharing/Fee for Service Be sure to check yes or no. If yes, provide explanation.

15 Individual Service Waivers You MUST  YES or NO to all Three!

16 Adult Day Care Model of care Days and hours of operation Location(s) Medicaid or VA reimbursement status Unique situations –Intergenerational day care –PACE project

17 Adult Day Care Note: Indicate whether the service provider is licensed or not licensed.

18 Checking Service delivery method –Location –Times of service

19 Chore Types of services and service delivery method Unique services

20 Homemaker Types of activities offered Unique services

21 Personal Care Types of services offered Unique services Compliance with service standard and VDH Office of Licensure and Certification Medicaid or VA reimbursement

22 Congregate Meals Referral/assessment/reassessment nutrition screening process –Who, where Types of meals –Frozen, hot, shelf stable –How prepared, purchased Involvement of RD –Nutrition counseling, education –Menu planning or review Nutrition Education/Health Programming, Screening

23 Congregate Meals This should equal the number of meal sites on the next page.

24 Delivery Site for Group Services VDA checks to be sure that within the PSA at least one site is open Monday through Friday.

25 Home Delivered Meals Who delivers How often

26 Home Delivered Nutrition You must provide at least 5 meals per week per person served.

27 Disease Prevention Description of disease prevention/health promotion activities Plan to implement an evidence-based program –Chronic disease self-care –Physical activity –Fall prevention –Nutrition and diet –Depression and/or substance abuse

28 Title IIIE Programs Service implementation according to National Family Caregiver Support Guidance –Individual Counseling –Support Groups –Caregiver Training –Institutional Respite –Direct Payments

29 Support Groups and Caregiver Training Number of groups Meeting times Locations Topics

30 State Programs on Area Plan CCEVP –2 or more ADLs Respite Care Initiative Program –Target population should include full time caregiver –Hours provided per client per month

31 Respite Care Initiative Grant Program Page List services provided under this grant. List service providers and, if adult day care is provided, state whether it is licensed or unlicensed.

32 Area Plan Due Friday July 20, 2007! E-mail to: Reminders!

33 Area Plan Requested Revisions will be emailed to AAAs on August 21, 2007 FAX revisions back to person who sent them to you Revisions due by August 27, 2007

34 Concluding Comments or Questions???

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