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Young professional romanian navalists, in a safe and healthy environment Eng. Adriana Arghirescu – Senior Consultant WTR Eng. Simion Nita – Manager SC.

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Presentation on theme: "Young professional romanian navalists, in a safe and healthy environment Eng. Adriana Arghirescu – Senior Consultant WTR Eng. Simion Nita – Manager SC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young professional romanian navalists, in a safe and healthy environment Eng. Adriana Arghirescu – Senior Consultant WTR Eng. Simion Nita – Manager SC Marman Comtrans S.R.L.

2 Since the beginning, the human resources policy of SC Marman Comtrans S.R.L. had as unique objective the career development in a safe and healthy environment, through the specialization and certification of young employees in the construnction, conversions and naval repairs fields. Enjoing a propitious geographical location, advanced technology, investments programms and good romanian experts, SC Marman Comtrans S.R.L. is looking forward to make use, in the main activity namely naval repairs, of young professional locksmiths and welders, capable of executing various projects at a high qualitative level. Individual desires, aspirations and motivations, integrated in the organization's policy, guided to a series of activities with a final goal of educational and continuous forming programmes deployment, simultaneous with knowledge practicing, knowledge gained in productive activities.

3 Professional integration Knowledge of training activities Employment consulting Evaluation of gained knowledge Guidance in professional activities forming The steps made by new employes in order to obtain professional integration represent a cycle of activities linked together in a permanent interaction:  employment consulting  knowledge of training activities  guidance in professional activities forming  evaluation of gained knowledge

4 Employment consulting  knowledge of human resources organizational policy  knowledge of work safetyness and healthyness  knowledge of the organization's rules and standards  knowledge of integrated programmes types

5 Knowledge of training activities  professional training at workplace  specific training in the filed of work safetyness and healthyness  training to fulfill professional responsabilities  participation to meetings reguarding improvement measures of activities

6 Guidance in professional activities forming  organization of production activities in a strict concordance with safetyness rules  establishment of communication and team work rules  permanent usage of individual protection equipment  usage of gear protections and technological installations protections  forming an preventing attitude for potential dangers at workplace  proceeding in emergency situations

7 Evaluation of gained knowledge  guaranty for professional and safetyness training of the new young employe  discovery of problems who where insufficient discused during the training  knowledge of impressions reguarding the quality of the professional integration programme  employment in organization so that the new young employe can benefit from a safe start

8 An important part in training young people is played by the knowing of possible risks at workplace. We identified in our organization the following risks:  acomplisher specific (wrong actions, omissions)  work environment specific (physical, biological)  work tasks specific (inadequate content of task, over / under rated task)  work methods specific (mecanical, thermical, physical, biological) Based on this risks we elaborated the personal prevention and protection programme, containing definite measures of monitoring this risks and diminution of probabilities to produce work accidents.

9 Graphic representation of risk factors depending on the working system's component Workplace: Metallic confections locksmith Unit: MARMAN COMTRANS Section: Docks

10 Graphic representation of the percentage of working system's components Workplace: Metallic confections locksmith Unit: MARMAN COMTRANS Section: Docks

11 The highest percentage of risk factors being generated by production methods, organization's management decided to permanently improve the working technology and human resources, in this way all company's employes are authorized and are executing qualitative projects, with new technology and equipment, being leaded by a young professional team of technicians.

12 Organization's concerns about professional training and personal activities in terms of work safetyness and healthyness showed up in local community's appreciation. Between years 1997-1999 we got the Excelence Distinction and starting with year 1999 we placed in the first three positions of Mangalia District Companies Top organized by Commerce, Industry, Navigation and Agriculture Chamber of Constanta.

13 SC Marman Comtrans S.R.L. is the company which ensures a safe start to all young romanian navalists. In case you want a credible partner with a good organisational policy, contact our company, situated in Romania, at the Black Sea, in the north part of Mangalia Town, 45 Km south of Constanta Town – Agigea Harbor and 12 Km away from Bulgaria's border. The climate from this area is good for naval constructions and repairs. Romania, Mangalia, Rozelor street, nr. 4, bl. R2a, st. A, ap1. Telephone: (+40) 0744 684 944 or (+40) 0241 750 110 Fax: (+40) 0241 750 110 Web: E-mail:

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