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It’s not just piss ups in breweries. Who are we? James Davies –Events & Tech Coordinator Martin Ennis –Activities Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s not just piss ups in breweries. Who are we? James Davies –Events & Tech Coordinator Martin Ennis –Activities Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s not just piss ups in breweries

2 Who are we? James Davies –Events & Tech Coordinator Martin Ennis –Activities Manager

3 Pull my finger

4 What have you seen? One side of the board, names of good socials and why they were good On the other, names of bad socials and why they were bad Work in your colleges

5 What are the problems? Split into small groups 3 or 4s not in your college Discuss for 10 minutes what the problems have been with the socials you have seen?

6 What are your ideas? Work in your colleges Spend 10 minutes coming up with as many different socials as you can Present your top five Prizes for any ideas we haven’t heard before

7 What is an event? Social gathering or activity. –Bar crawls –Band nights –Campus Festival –Christmas Market –How To –Activities Conference Something that happens or is regarded as happening

8 How do you start? 5 Ws –What? What are you going to do? What is the aim? –Why? –Who? –When? –Where? How?

9 What? Why? Who? Set SMART Targets –Specific –Measurable –Achievable –Realistic/Relevant –Time

10 When? Where? Time it right Space that is appropriate

11 How long do I need? You can never start too early! Do you have the time to achieve your targets? Others time may not be as free as yours Outdoors vs Indoors

12 What space is available? Space is not infinite Book Early Spaces –Bars –Great Hall –Barker House Farm –External Venues

13 What stuff do I need? What does the venue have? –Do I need a different venue? What am I missing? LUSU PA and Lighting Kit

14 Money Budget early Can you afford it? –What happens if something goes wrong? If not, what next? Collaborate?

15 Health & Safety LUSU Code of Practice Something different then will need a Risk Assessment Who? Where? How? When?

16 Getting people there Publicity is key! Time Variety –Word of Mouth –Facebook/Twitter (LUSU) –Squeak –Posters –Tickets sales

17 Your events

18 If something can go wrong, it will Planning will minimise but anything can happen Don’t panic! Smile!

19 Don’t be afraid to ask It is better to ask and get it right than leave it until it is too late

20 Useful Contacts James Davies – Events Coordinator – –01524 592199 Josh Dean – Officer Engagement Intern – –01524 592462 Martin Ennis – Activities Manager – –01524 592579

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