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Sense of urgency on intelligent inspections (practice) Mr. Rob van Dorp, Senior Advisor, Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, The Netherlands.

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Presentation on theme: "Sense of urgency on intelligent inspections (practice) Mr. Rob van Dorp, Senior Advisor, Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, The Netherlands."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sense of urgency on intelligent inspections (practice) Mr. Rob van Dorp, Senior Advisor, Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate, The Netherlands

2 Intelligent inspections Intelligent inspections: system based enforcement!

3 System based enforcement Company: Black box This means answering the question: Do I have confidence in the system

4 Confidence Is it a solid system Is it up to it’s task Does it perform as advertised Company: Black box

5 Open the box

6 Always a system!

7 Is it up to the task?

8 Many ways to make orange juice

9 Up to the task?? O.K.

10 Up to the task?? O.K.

11 Up to the task?? Not O.K.

12 Up to the task? Probably Not O.K.

13 Up to the task Might be O.K.

14 Intelligent inspections?? So what to inspect to ensure safe orange juice??

15 Intelligent inspections?? O.K. Might not be O.K. ??

16 Intelligent inspections?? Might be O.K. ?? Might not be O.K. by itself

17 Intelligent inspections?? 1 carton of orange juice: 20 oranges 24 for hours of production 120 bottles a minute (500.000 a year) Quality control: Filters Sample testing Proces monitoring Pasturisation

18 System based enforcement

19 Matching! Level of inspection tool Level of development of the company

20 Mismatch!

21 Example

22 Family company Started in 1920 Transports all over the world 1000+ employees Tanktransport, tank cleaning

23 Example Policy of this company Improvement Openness Respect Humour Initiative Engagement Togetherness Carrying out what we have agreed Our Values

24 Example

25 Effect?? – Slightly increase of administrative burden However this information was usefull for the company itself as well – A number of processes were improved resulting in: Less incidents Increased awareness Increased (positive) reputation Fuel savings Increased compliance !

26 Euro Control Route Conference 2015

27 Panel discussion Panelists Cristina Tilling, European Transport Workers' Federation, Belgium Jan van Laarhoven, Benelux Union, Belgium Robert Maiworm, Bundesamt für Güterverkehr, Germany Michael Nielsen, International Transport Union, Belgium Alastair Peoples, Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency, UK

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