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Exam format Unidad 6 etapa 2 Listening (20 points) Reading (20 points) Vocabulary and grammar (20 points) Writing (20 points) Speaking (20 points)

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Presentation on theme: "Exam format Unidad 6 etapa 2 Listening (20 points) Reading (20 points) Vocabulary and grammar (20 points) Writing (20 points) Speaking (20 points)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exam format Unidad 6 etapa 2 Listening (20 points) Reading (20 points) Vocabulary and grammar (20 points) Writing (20 points) Speaking (20 points)

2 Listening comprehension Gabi has just arrived at a farm where she plans to spend a week with friends. Listen to her conversations with Laura and respond to five multiple choice statements. Strategy: review chapter vocabulary

3 Reading comprehension Read about the day Elsa spent on the farm with her friend, Paco. Respond to five true/false sentences about the reading Respond to two opinion questions: –¿Te gustaría vivir en el campo? ¿Por qué? –¿Qué quiere decir Elsa cuando dice que se despertaron con el gallo? Strategy: review chapter vocabulary

4 Vocabulary and grammar Use pictures to describe where certain animals are located on the farm. You will need to know how to spell the Spanish words for chickens, cows, pigs, horses, and fence. You will also need to know the words to describe location: on top of, up, down, under, behind, and inside of Strategy: study chapter vocabulary

5 Ordinal numbers. Write in what order the students got on the bus. Example: Elena – 9 Elena es la novena estudiante. Strategy: Study ordinal numbers p. 430. Demonstrative. Compare locations of animals on a farm by using demonstrative adjectives and pronouns (este, ese, and aquel). Strategy: Study demonstrative forms p. 428.

6 Irregular preterite verbs. Describe what people did on the farm by filling in the blank with the correctly conjugated form of the following verbs: tener, venir, decir, dar, estar. You will need to know what each word means as well as how to conjugate it in the past tense. Strategy: Study irregular preterite tense verbs p. 431.

7 Writing Describe five things that happened to you last week. Include the following information: Who came to see visit you? Did they tell you something important or give you something? Were some experiences better than others? In what order did the things happen? Review vocabulary and past tense verbs.

8 Speaking Look at a drawing of a farm. Use the drawing to answer the following questions: ¿Qué hace el ganadero? ¿Dónde está el gallo? ¿Dónde están las vacas? ¿Dónde están las cuatro gallinas? ¿Quién está con las llamas?

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