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MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo1 MOISE REVILLO, Micaela Lucía Multi-agent Systems An Orgenizational Model for Multi-agent System.

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Presentation on theme: "MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo1 MOISE REVILLO, Micaela Lucía Multi-agent Systems An Orgenizational Model for Multi-agent System."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo1 MOISE REVILLO, Micaela Lucía Multi-agent Systems An Orgenizational Model for Multi-agent System

2 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo2 This model is based on three major concepts:  The roles: which constrain the individual behaviors of the agents  The organizational links: that regulate the social exchanges between these agents  The groups: which constrain the layout of agent involved in strong interactions MOISE: abstract

3 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo3 Two main approaches to the agent´s organization:  Agent-centered: the agents compute themselves their relations and use them in the course of their interactions.  Organization-centered:relations are defined a priori or during execution and are imposed MOISE is an organizational model to control agents that will enable us to cope whit the agent-centered and the organization_centered approaches. Introduction

4 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo4 The MOISE model is structured along three levels:  Individual level:for each agent,definition of its responsibilities. The roles will constrain the action possibilities of each agent.  Agency level:aggregation of agents in large structures. The agents belong to groups that constrain the set of agents they can cooperate with.  Society level:global structuring and interconnection of the agents and structures whit each other.The organizational links constrain the kids of interaction that the agents can have in the system. Global Overview (I)

5 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo5 We call:  Organizational structure (OS):set of roles, groups and links  Organizational entity (OE) :set of agents functioning under an organizational structure The OE in an instantiation of an OS on a set of agents Global Overview (II) Role Link Group Teaching dir Professor Student OS

6 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo6  Roles: it is generally defined as a class of behaviors of services offered by an agent in the system ro = {m i  M, i  N } where M is the set of missions ro = {m i  M, i  N } where M is the set of missions  Missions: set of constraints that the agent must take into account when it want to execute parts of this task m i = where m i defines an allowed behavior in the system as a consistent set of authorization related to goals to achieve (G i ), plans to follow (P i ) actions to execute (A i ) and resources to use (R i ). The s parameter characterizes the strength of the mission(O: obligation or P: permission) Model Specification (I)

7 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo7  Organizational Links: is an oriented arc between a source role ro s and a target role ro d, labeled with a type t i, and with a set of constraints C i dependent on its type. M(ro s ) (resp M(ro d )) is the set of missions of the source role (resp the target role) of the link l i.. ie: l i = l i = Model Specification (II) StudentSecretary Communication link

8 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo8 Links structuring an organization can be of different natures:  Communication: for links structuring the exchange of informations  Authority: for links defining the control structure  Acquaintance: for links structuring the representation of the other agents The set of constraints C i depends on the type of link Model Specification (III)

9 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo9  Group:expresses the manner in which the OS is instantiated into OE. A group gr i is defined by a set of roles Ro i, a set M i of missions and a set L i of links gr i = gr i = We call  Intra-group link every link belonging to L i.  Extra-group link every link which does not belong to L i. Model Specification (IV)

10 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo10  Organizational Structure: is a graph defined by a set of roles Ro (nodes), a set L of communication, authority, and acquaintance link (arcs) and a ser Gr of groups OS i = OS i =  Organizational Entity: is defined by a set o couples (ag,ro), a set of instantiated groups T and a set of instantiated links of L OE i = <OS i, { (ag k,ro l ) / ag k  Ag i ; ro l  Ro OSi }, { t i / t i  T OSi }, { l i / l i  L OSi } > { t i / t i  T OSi }, { l i / l i  L OSi } > Model Specification (V)

11 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo11  Organizational Reasoning Mechanism The fulfillment of a task within a MAS using MOISE is a process that involves the activation and execution of the corresponding mission by the agents of the system and delegation to the appropriate agent of the component of the missions that are not allowed to be executed locally. Then, we have developed an extension of the social reasoning mechanism which makes each agent able to compute the network of dependence relations for each mission of its roles. Model Specification (VI)

12 MOISEMicaela Lucía Revillo12 Application Role Communication link Authority link Teaching dir Professor Student Organizational Structure Secretary Data base Mng

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