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00 Metropolitan Transit System Transit Serving Point Loma September 23, 2008.

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1 00 Metropolitan Transit System Transit Serving Point Loma September 23, 2008

2 11  A California public agency established in 1975 through SB10  Comprised of San Diego Transit, San Diego Trolley, MTS Contract Services & Chula Vista Transit.  Services include 3 Trolley lines, 82 fixed route bus lines, & Paratransit service.  Annual operating cost is approximately $204 million. Fare revenue Covers $80 million or 39% of annual operating cost.  Fleet includes 131 light-rail cars, 560 buses and 140 vans & minibuses.  Provides approximately 2.4 million hours of service across 31 million miles each year.  Carries approximately 90 million passengers annually, or 275 thousand each weekday.

3 22 MTS Restructured System (2006) to: Achieve Financial SustainabilityAchieve Financial Sustainability –Optimize bus and trolley operations –Reduce or eliminate unproductive and duplicative services to “right size” system –Increase ridership (revenues) by making transit services more attractive and effective Reconnect with our MarketsReconnect with our Markets –Detailed analysis of what is working and what isn’t –Identify markets that can and should be served –Respond to current mobility needs of our markets –Provide type and level of service our markets want and need

4 33 MTS Service Concept 3 Tiers of Service Urban Network Services Network of routes with high frequency and consistent span of service to support spontaneous use for wide range of travel needs. CommuterServices Direct service for one seat travel for commute corridors with “critical mass”. High frequency only during peak hours. Community Based Services Customized services tailored to individual community needs. Flexible routing and schedule that may vary throughout day and week.

5 44 Transit Serving Point Loma

6 55 Airport Service: Route 923

7 66 199819992000200120022003200420052006 Daily Passengers 1,090 1,429 1,595 1,442 1,203 1,311 1,429 1,394 1,654 Daily Trips 108 109 106 105 99 Passengers/Trip 10131513111213 17 Service every 15 minutes every day of the week Service every 15 minutes every day of the week Airport Service: Route 992 Airport Service: Route 992

8 77 Challenges Facing MTS Capacity increases required by recent ridership gainsCapacity increases required by recent ridership gains Service expansionService expansion Securing new & expanded sources of revenue & subsidySecuring new & expanded sources of revenue & subsidy

9 88 Metropolitan Transit System Transit Serving Point Loma September 23, 2008

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