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The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 1 Part 1 1.Which part of the body must the influenza-B virus reach in order to survive and multiply? 2.How.

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Presentation on theme: "The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 1 Part 1 1.Which part of the body must the influenza-B virus reach in order to survive and multiply? 2.How."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 1 Part 1 1.Which part of the body must the influenza-B virus reach in order to survive and multiply? 2.How does the influenza-B virus trick healthy cells?

2 The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 2 Part 2 3.About how many influenza-B viruses will be produced within a couple of hours of initial infection?

3 The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 3 Part 3 4.What is the human body's front line of defense against the influenza-B virus? 5.What do macrophages do?

4 The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 4 Part 4 6.What is the cause of symptoms of the flu? 7.What is the role of interleukin in the immune response?

5 The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 5 Part 5 8.Why do you get a fever in response to the flu?

6 The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 6 and 7 Part 67 9.What is a major role of dendritic cells in fighting the influenza-B virus? 10.Where are T-cells located? 11.What is the role of the T-cell in fighting infection?

7 The Immune System: Video Response Notes Part 8 Part 8 12.What is the role of B-cells in fighting infection? 13.What happens to the T-cells that don’t die? 14.Will a person who has had the influenza- B virus have immunity from ALL flu viruses in the future?

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