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Welcome  Mrs. Jaime Sheplor’s Class  Room 224. Name Card (Front Side) First Name Last Name.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome  Mrs. Jaime Sheplor’s Class  Room 224. Name Card (Front Side) First Name Last Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome  Mrs. Jaime Sheplor’s Class  Room 224

2 Name Card (Front Side) First Name Last Name

3 Favorite teacher and why. Favorite Fast Food Restaurant Something unique or special about yourself. Favorite Candy Name Card (Back Side)

4 Pair-Share  Take a few minutes to share the information you wrote down on your card with your elbow partner.  Keep this card with your name face up until the end of the period.  Store it in your binder and BRING BACK TOMORROW! This is very important so I can get to know you sooner! These will be collected.

5 “Where I am From” Poem  Please take out a piece of paper.  On the BACK of the paper, draw a Circle Map.  Write “Where I am From” in the center.  Start brainstorming things about yourself. Where I am From

6 “Where I am From” Poem  Below your circle map, jot down these instructions:  Using the stuff you jotted down in your Circle Map, you will be writing a poem about yourself.  The poem should have at least 20 lines and describe some details about yourself.  The poem must use at least three examples of figurative language (any combination). Label the figurative language you used in the margins of your poem. Metaphor: A comparison between two unlike things without using “like” or “as.” Ex: The city is a sleeping woman. Simile: A comparison between two unlike things with “like” or “as.” Ex: The moon shines like a fifty cent piece. Personification: Giving human qualities to an object or animal. Ex: The sun is smiling.

7 Grading Rubric ComponentIdeal Score Poem has at least 20 lines.10 3 examples of figurative language are labeled and identified 10 Mechanics-poem is written neatly and spelled correctly 10 Total30

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