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Poetry- Write it! You, the poet, will write poetry!

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry- Write it! You, the poet, will write poetry!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry- Write it! You, the poet, will write poetry!

2 What do you remember? Poets use a variety of poetic, literary devices within poems they write. Use the clicker to see just how much you can recognize within the following frames. Now, you the poet, will write poetry!

3 PowerPoint Intro Watch this video clip that explains how to get started. PowerPoint Basics - YouTube

4 Creating a PowerPoint Open PowerPoint and design a title slide with title of presentation, your name, and class period This project requires 6 additional slides, one for each of the 5 poems you will publish, and an end slide (You will decide which poems later) Today, decide on your background and font for each slide. This format should match on all of your slides!

5 Creating a PowerPoint (cont.) Refer to your poetry packet for further instructions on how to format each slide. Create all 7 slides. Once these are set, you are ready to insert titles, text (poems), and graphics. We will continue this in class throughout the week, so don't worry if you don't get anything typed in!

6 Time to Save your Work! Save in 2 places! Save in your own student directory. Save in : student shared drive/ sullivan/ ela/ poetry/period 1(or your period)/ last name

7 What Kinds of Poetry ? Styles of poetry : Styles of poetry : -Parts of Speech Poem -I remember Poem -Shape Poem -Haiku -Free verse

8 Grading Name________________________Period ____ Poetry Project Grade Required Parts: A least 2 poems from each of the 5 forms taught 54321 Evidence of improved word choice54321 Accuracy of Poetic Form54321 Evidence of spelling editing54321 Total value for writing poetry_______/20 pts. Slideshow Score: Powerpoint project rubric value_______/15pts Total Project Score_____/35 = ____%

9 Poetry Slideshow By Mrs. Sullivan Period 1

10 Cats (A Part of Speech Poem) The cat Black, hairy Hisses, stares, claws Frightening, alarmed, curious, troubled.

11 Young Again ( I remember poem) I remember playing checkers with my best friend under the porch awning on a rainy day. I remember jumping “double dutch” while chanting jump rope rhymes. I remember sweetly singing along to old favories while Mom strummed the chords of the guitar beside me. I remember hearing the delightful sound of the ice cream truck, anticipation and excitement growing. I remember holding my dog tight as I lay in bed crying over what seemed so big then, but is so little now.

12 Ha-Ha-Ouch! (A Verb Poem) My Grandpa laughs loudly. He smiles, Jiggles, and claps his hands. Suddenly, a loud crash booms as he hits the floor. Humor can be dangerous!

13 Frog (A Haiku) Green and speckled legs, Hop on logs and lily pads Splash in cool water.

14 Team (free verse) together a promising union sharing a mysterious journey breathing, thinking, laughing all in one cavernous, welcoming, safe space a haven of caring, committed, noble adults mixed with lively, creative, hopeful youth only to move on to the next destination as the clock creeps its hands to the next hour no moment ever matching another yet molding the future with each passing day

15 The End The End

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