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Quatrain. 4 line poem… All you need is a rhyming pattern! Examples: AABB ABAB.

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Presentation on theme: "Quatrain. 4 line poem… All you need is a rhyming pattern! Examples: AABB ABAB."— Presentation transcript:

1 quatrain

2 4 line poem… All you need is a rhyming pattern! Examples: AABB ABAB

3 The mountain frames the sky (a) As a shadow of an eagle flies by. (a) With clouds hanging at its edge (b) A climber proves his courage on its rocky ledge. (b)

4 There once was a big brown cat. A That liked to eat a lot of mice. B He got all round and fat. A Because they tasted so nice. B

5 Taylor is rather nice (a) Because she buys us rice. (a) Taylor LOVES minions, (b) She collects them in the millions! (b)

6 Dragons breathe fire (a) And lay on their gold. (b) They love to eat telephone wire, (a) And they are big and bold! (b)

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