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AAUW Detroit is the oldest continuously active women’s organization. AAUW Detroit is the oldest branch in Michigan. AAUW founded in 1881, Detroit Branch.

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2 AAUW Detroit is the oldest continuously active women’s organization. AAUW Detroit is the oldest branch in Michigan. AAUW founded in 1881, Detroit Branch was established in 1889, eight years after the national organization.


4 1888The Western Association of Collegiate Alumnae meets to discuss organization ‘to unite alumnae of different institutions for practical educational work.” 1889Seven Detroit College women form a Branch of ACA. 1893The Branch initiates agitation for the Juvenile Court in Detroit. 1937Detroit AAUW co-sponsors “All-Day Voters’ School” for women voters “wanting the latest information before they go to the polls on November 3.”

5 1939Golden Anniversary Celebration 1941Activities of AAUW include study of reapportionment. AAUW takes the initiative in movement to get a petition on the state ballot in the first general election. 1942An open meeting on housing conditions in the areas around Detroit is sponsored by Detroit AAUW. 1943AAUW protests the wording and spirit of a United States Civil Service Commission manual which lists women as “physically handicapped.”

6 Detroit AAUW presents three-day workshop on “Responsibility of Home and Community for Welfare of Youth.” 1951Social Studies Committee of branch compiles list of Mental Health Facilities in Detroit and Michigan as part of group’s mental health program. AAUW takes the initiative in movement to get a petition on the state ballot in the first general election. 1952Symposium on the United Nations presented by the branch. 1953Branch conducts survey on quality of current TV programs, results discussed in the Detroit Free Press TV column.

7 1958Detroit AAUW goes on record as supporting Constitutional Change. 1961Detroit members participate in the Michigan Division’s public hearings on state hospital facilities for mentally ill children. 1963Fellowship committee sponsors “An Evening of Music” to support fellowship fund and to encourage he local musicaltalent of the Michigan Opera Company. Detroit receives citation from the Board of Education for their participation in the school Millage Campaign. 1967The Metropolitan Coalition of Women, a women’s group advocating and practicing communication and cooperation as a means of solving metropolitan problems, was co-founded by Detroit AAUW.

8 1970The Detroit Branch worked closely with the 17 other Metropolitan Branches to provide programs which would be of benefit to education. 1979The Detroit Branch was host to the Michigan Division AAUW Biennial Convention at the Renaissance Center. 1986-Outstanding programs were presented on topical issues: 1990 the Detroit Strategic Plan, the Detroit Public Schools, AIDS, the impact on the U.S. Constitution on individual liberties, financial planning and legislative issues affecting women. EPP goal of $25,000 is exceeded by over $10,000. 1996Branch alive and well; participates in state AAUW “Get Out The Vote” campaign.

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